Life is more than a bike and jersey - but those two things can lead to friendship that can't be replaced. I think this year has proven that. This past January Goose and I started indoor training and had Egg and Crilli up to motivate/make fun of us. I do believe the race is won in January. Next came the trip to Helen GA when family men didn't have to indulge a 3 year old, but they did (and yes that does include Crilli and Guru). After coming home, encouragement/orders were given to Goose to ride with the Cows. He listened sometimes/other times not. At times everyone (including me) made fun of Goose - but everyone always encouraged him. People let him suck wheel when they know he is hanging for dear life, and they don't complain. Ron took time to explain my camera to me (which I am still learning) ---- get your ass back out on the bike MTHD. This makes true friendships. No, everyone doesn't see each other everyday, everyone is going opposite directions - but I truly believe a true friendship has been made.
So -- to all the Cows that have encouraged (and made of fun of) Goose - THANKS.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Goose Lost His Chain
Goose heading out of the bike transition. Please talk to Bruce E. - he saw Goose riding AND HE WASN'T IN HIS AEROBARS! BTW - Congrats to Team Troy (with Bruce as the cyclist -- and he also ran the course, even though he didn't have to) winning this Troy Vs Piqua Challenge
Da' Goose near the end. The boy needs some meat on those legs!
Won't know the results until later tonight, but it doesn't matter, Jeff had a good race day and he had fun. Next race? Lake Loramie - I think he will probably take the pro boat that day. Until then, lots of roads to be ridden and trails to be run.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Can Ya Believe the Goose Rambled!
Goose got his bling wet tonight :(
I guess they think they will melt in the rain - but guess who was out in the rain taking their picture!
absolutely beautiful. I was so close - but Mom eventually wanted to head across the road. They crossed right in front of the cows (don't they know? Cows rule)
Once again Egg can tell you exactly what road this is --- I just know it is before the rollers. I was really happy with how Goose road the rollers tonight. I had the radio turned up, so I didn't hear him "goosing" --- but everyone agreed he let out a few good ones.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Another Beautiful Day
Wow - another beautiful day to be outside. Goose knew he was getting in the water again tonight. Late night at work, but he still went. He had a great workout - home and dinner (after 8 - which is becoming a norm in our home).
I went to the "free" movies with AJ and Rebecca. After a great lunch at their house, I wasn't sure what I was going to do. Decided to go out a ride. Made a new route (yeah all by myself) which I thought was flat - nope - 3 nice climbs in a row. Had fun - would have been more fun except was "stung" 3 times by something. Need to find a way to carry my EpiPens with me.
Goose has committed to riding Wed evening. I hope to get done early enough and try to get some pictures of the Cows along the way.
I went to the "free" movies with AJ and Rebecca. After a great lunch at their house, I wasn't sure what I was going to do. Decided to go out a ride. Made a new route (yeah all by myself) which I thought was flat - nope - 3 nice climbs in a row. Had fun - would have been more fun except was "stung" 3 times by something. Need to find a way to carry my EpiPens with me.
Goose has committed to riding Wed evening. I hope to get done early enough and try to get some pictures of the Cows along the way.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Sunday Fun Time
Goose and I went to Mass this morning and was very surprised to see Crilli with his family. Afterwards, small talk, pokes and jabs, advice given, we headed home. Goose had already decided he was going out for 30 miles and try out his legs and cold/allergy status. I wasn't sure what I was going to do. Goose and Crilli thought it would be good to go out and just "spin" the legs out.
Goose headed out in sunny skies, I decided to stretch out first and see how my legs felt. After a 30 minute stretch I decided to go out and just spin (slow). Decided to stay flat and wondered through the back roads to Troy Frederick and guess who was waiting on me - Goose. Remember I said slow, spin - that wasn't his idea for me. I hung for a while on his wheel but finally told him to go on home. Luckily he didn't (he was playing Egg today) and coached me home. I am glad he stayed with me.
After I asked how he felt. He said he just tested the climbs and his legs. Except for just soreness in the calf, said he felt really good. I'm not going to post his plans for the week, because when I do, something happens and he can't do what he wants. So lets hope that the weather holds out in the evenings and he can do what he wants.
Goose headed out in sunny skies, I decided to stretch out first and see how my legs felt. After a 30 minute stretch I decided to go out and just spin (slow). Decided to stay flat and wondered through the back roads to Troy Frederick and guess who was waiting on me - Goose. Remember I said slow, spin - that wasn't his idea for me. I hung for a while on his wheel but finally told him to go on home. Luckily he didn't (he was playing Egg today) and coached me home. I am glad he stayed with me.
After I asked how he felt. He said he just tested the climbs and his legs. Except for just soreness in the calf, said he felt really good. I'm not going to post his plans for the week, because when I do, something happens and he can't do what he wants. So lets hope that the weather holds out in the evenings and he can do what he wants.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Beautiful Day
Saturday morning/afternoon was a beautiful day. Unfortunately Goose is still under the weather with a cold/allergies. Very unusual for him - usually it is me that is sick. Changed drugs and they seem to be working better.
I had planned on riding this morning. Goose talked be into adding another small climb with incline most of the road. Headed out with NW winds - yuck - much prefer SW. I decided early on to just make it thru the ride. I hit Peters with more wind than I preferred after riding this week. Thought I would make a decision on continuing at the halfway point - after all if I turned around I would have one heck of a tail wind. Nope, decided to keep going. Actually didn't have to use my inhaler at the point I usually do - was happy with that with the air feeling heavy. Made my first "climb" really well (for me) and got back into the wind on Karns. (but had record speed for me) Hit Garland, the road I hate, and got a nice little tail wind and was at the farm house before I knew it and ready to turn onto Frederick. Decision time, do I take the new route with the added climb, or call it a day and turn home. Nope took the new way. Climb wasn't that bad it was just the continued include after it. Added a mile or so to the route, still stayed within the time I usually do the other. So I am happy with my ride and glad I am done.
Goose worked today and had to make a "sales" call after work. He decided to get in the water another day - no running with the congestion. Looks like if he rides Sunday, it will be alone. He knows what 62 miles would do to him and with racing next Sunday he needs to shake what ever he has.
I had planned on riding this morning. Goose talked be into adding another small climb with incline most of the road. Headed out with NW winds - yuck - much prefer SW. I decided early on to just make it thru the ride. I hit Peters with more wind than I preferred after riding this week. Thought I would make a decision on continuing at the halfway point - after all if I turned around I would have one heck of a tail wind. Nope, decided to keep going. Actually didn't have to use my inhaler at the point I usually do - was happy with that with the air feeling heavy. Made my first "climb" really well (for me) and got back into the wind on Karns. (but had record speed for me) Hit Garland, the road I hate, and got a nice little tail wind and was at the farm house before I knew it and ready to turn onto Frederick. Decision time, do I take the new route with the added climb, or call it a day and turn home. Nope took the new way. Climb wasn't that bad it was just the continued include after it. Added a mile or so to the route, still stayed within the time I usually do the other. So I am happy with my ride and glad I am done.
Goose worked today and had to make a "sales" call after work. He decided to get in the water another day - no running with the congestion. Looks like if he rides Sunday, it will be alone. He knows what 62 miles would do to him and with racing next Sunday he needs to shake what ever he has.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Character Building Day
Goose is still recovering from the calf pull/bruise. He knew he was going to get in the water one more day before heading out on his bike Thurs. After getting his wheel fixed, I thought I would head out - wrong - showers set in so I thought I would wait until they passed. They did, I got changed and oh wait, showers again. So I did what I didn't want to and watch the radar. I didn't check wind speed because I knew I would talk myself out of riding. I finally got to head out into NW winds. I reached my half way point and had to decided if I wanted to turn around and get a good push home or continue on my adventure in the head/crosswinds. I decided to build some character today and finish the ride. Apparently I need more character than I wanted, lots of wind and what I thought was a long time on the bike. All said and done, it didn't take me as long as it felt, the MPH average I am really happy with. Frederick Garland actually went really well - not sure if the wind was pushing or if it finally died down on that road. On Michaels Rd coming home - I actually pasted another bike (and no it wasn't a child - it was a young lady also struggleing in the wind) Fun day on the roads for me.
Hopefully Goose can get out tomorrow and get some good miles in.
OH - I just watched Egg's video with Guru - I needed a chuckle - nice trip Guru!
Hopefully Goose can get out tomorrow and get some good miles in.
OH - I just watched Egg's video with Guru - I needed a chuckle - nice trip Guru!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
West Milton Triathlon
Do you really think you are going to beat me?
Catch me if ya can! AJ was the youngest one running and he was not giving up.
I don't have good pictures of Goose racing, the camera was stuck somewhere between AF and MF. I think between people holding it for me, the drizzle and trying to keep it dry, I didn't discover the problem until Goose was done, but I also have a butt load of good pictures, which means it didn't take him long to finish! Results are not up, probably won't be until later tonight. River was sooooo fast - Goose cramped a little (calf muscle) on the run, but had a good ride. After the race, they had their fun run for kids. AJ had a really good run.
Now, Goose is wired (hehe) -- time to rehydrate and eat.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Goose got his bike "tweaked", he is hydrated, got pre-race hair semi-shave, ready to carbo load. Is he ready - yep. Now will the weather hold out? Hope so. Hopefully the river won't be at a point where they call that part off.
Thanks to all who have helped him cycle - that is becoming a really strong point for him. Hills and mountains do pay off. Some might say, well he ain't that fast - remember he is old (hehe - just kidding - well maybe not!)
AND for all that have bi#ched at me to get a jersey --- finally did - not exactly what I wanted - no back pocket, only side, but it is a jersey.
Goose is ready to ramble (so to say)
Thanks to all who have helped him cycle - that is becoming a really strong point for him. Hills and mountains do pay off. Some might say, well he ain't that fast - remember he is old (hehe - just kidding - well maybe not!)
AND for all that have bi#ched at me to get a jersey --- finally did - not exactly what I wanted - no back pocket, only side, but it is a jersey.
Goose is ready to ramble (so to say)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Did you ever have a bad day? While there will be no whine here (even though I think I have just cause) - I might complain a little. Noose got a late start riding (should have know something would happen). My friend was giving me some pushes back on Peters - put my head down and just kept going. Turned on to Dog Leg, not much better but actually was beating my record on that road, turned on to Jackson and my cell rings. I answer with a quick "I'm riding and will call you back" and put cell back into my pocket. Lots of big trucks today, very unusual for Jackson. After a short wait on cars to turn onto Frederick, got back into the groove with the turn onto Martindale. Kley (my favorite road) hit an all time high for MPH and then had to stop at the stop sign - that sucked. I had no momentum for my dreaded climb, but got through it really well - hit Karns with cement trucks coming and going -- they were actually easy to ride with - they gave me some room which I appreciated. Had to stop at Frederick Garland (which is the road I HATE) and climbed it slower than I wanted. Finally hit Troy Frederick which I actually road really well. - I raced the person with me (my shadow - ok I got a little bored by myself) and unfortunately the other person won. I had an excellent ride - got home to empty out my pockets and I lost my Driver's License when I pulled out my phone. I headed back to Jackson immediately to look (it hadn't been that long). I call Jeff on the way really pissed off that it happened. We decided that we would meet on that road and walk it and look in the ditch. Problem is, I didn't take off my bike shoes - that sucked and the bigger part is we didn't find my license. Now I get to deal with getting a new one (especially since I can't find my SS card).
I felt bad - Goose really didn't get to do what he wanted - he ran really hard last night - his legs were feeling the repeats/heat so he decided just to get in the water to work some of the kinks out. I know - not much on him tonight and many don't care about my adventures but, I needed to vent because I was (am) mad at myself for being so dumb.
Oh well - tomorrow is another day - not sure what Goose has planned but he is off on Friday (yeah).
I felt bad - Goose really didn't get to do what he wanted - he ran really hard last night - his legs were feeling the repeats/heat so he decided just to get in the water to work some of the kinks out. I know - not much on him tonight and many don't care about my adventures but, I needed to vent because I was (am) mad at myself for being so dumb.
Oh well - tomorrow is another day - not sure what Goose has planned but he is off on Friday (yeah).
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Goose and Noose on the Loose
As if we didn't have a big enough day Saturday, we decided to venture out to watch Egg play tonight. Before hand we both agreed that we would stay for one (or maybe two) sets and then head home. We really wanted to show support to Egg this weekend (what a difference a year makes). After a short nap we headed out for dinner and dancing (that is always a sight to behold!). Egg said he had talked to Crilli and he wasn't sure if he would make it, look up and there he is. Funky G started and then we see Big Tim, his wife Dorine and along with another couple. Looks like fun time tonight :-). We were well entertained by the band and 2 ladies that danced almost every song. Big Tim bummed out on us and never danced (we'll get him yet) - the rest of us did. Well as usual, we didn't leave after the first (or second) set. Crilli was smart and left after the second set - we really weren't too far behind.
Today, Goose ran 7 miles in the heat and he said it sucked. I think Saturday ride and party time had a little to play in that. Me? Hmmmm I felt just a little rough around the edges and thought I would grocery shop first. After running in to Crilli's mom (and probably talking too long) I decided to mow the grass and cook dinner and then call it a day.
Did we have fun - Hell Yes! That's livin - bikes and bands and dancing.
Today, Goose ran 7 miles in the heat and he said it sucked. I think Saturday ride and party time had a little to play in that. Me? Hmmmm I felt just a little rough around the edges and thought I would grocery shop first. After running in to Crilli's mom (and probably talking too long) I decided to mow the grass and cook dinner and then call it a day.
Did we have fun - Hell Yes! That's livin - bikes and bands and dancing.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Noose's Report
The morning started off with a few "ifs" - mainly caused by the weather radar. But, we were up and ready and going to be on time (for once) and Goose called Egg as we passed Vandalia High School. Only hearing Goose's part of the conversation, I could tell Egg was surprised that we were on our way. Jeff told Craig he was riding (yes Goose was willing to get his bling dirty). By the time we got to Egg's, he had refreshed the radar screen and it looked better in the East - Egg said Dobo had already cancelled this morning, wasn't sure about anyone else. So we headed out. On the way Craig talked to Crilli and he wasn't going to make it (migraine got the best of him), he called Mthd and he didn't answer his phone and he wasn't sure about Big Tim.
We pull into Twin Towers and Egg said it could just be the two of the riding. We debated on me coming home or staying and taking pictures. Not knowing what the weather was really going to do, I decided to stay in case they needed help. A few minutes later - Big Tim pulled in - YEAH 3 of them. As we checked out Tim's new ride, Craig yelled Mthd is here! So after the usual hugs and kisses by everyone, they headed out.
Beautiful countryside, easy map to follow, guys road well. Egg and Mthd were great cheerleaders/motivators for Tim and Jeff. And, if you look at the pictures you will see Jeff and Tim out front. Not sure what happened, but Goose won a sign (lol).
Mother nature decided to be kind today - the temps never got to where they said, rain held off until everyone was warmed up, and I think the drizzle actually felt good. Egg, being Egg, said a few funnies today on the bike, which Jeff will always remember.
Ron had to head out to work Strawberry Festival, so Egg, Tim, Goose and I stopped to eat and tell a few jokes.
Lots of fun, and I am really happy with how Jeff rode today - he said it was one of the best rides he has ever had on his bike. Now he is sawing logs so he can watch Craig play tonight.
Obviously, blow-by-blow of the ride is in Egg's Blog, this is just the boring female side of the story :-)
Better Living Through Bikes
She is waiting for her herd to go by. If she blinked - she missed them as they flew down the road.
I think a good time was had by all - lots of smiles, lots of livin' and another 60 miles. Perfect weather - the cool down mist was well timed by Mother Nature.
The young ones took care of the of the old ones today - thanks for the motivation - encouragement and denial of water :)
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Not the Perky
Monday, June 2, 2008
Life Insurance
Tonight had to tell Goose my life insurance isn't paid up. He tried to kill me at the Y lifting weights! We did have a good lift and time. I think the day to day training is catching up strength wise for both of us.
Looks like the weather might be "iffy" the next few days and then turning hot for the weekend. Will load the cooler with extra water on Saturday.
Looks like the weather might be "iffy" the next few days and then turning hot for the weekend. Will load the cooler with extra water on Saturday.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
New Food (Drug) of Choice

In Japan, the "flavor of the month" isn't barbecue, or citrus, or licorice, it's...citrulline.Sound strange? It's an amino acid found in large amounts in watermelon, and it's being touted as a performance enhancer to the Olympic athletes in Beijing, China. It widens blood vessels, allowing for improved circulation, as well as increasing levels of nitric oxide, as well as breaking down lactic acid, (which, as our readers have gently reminded me, is not the scary substance we once thought it to be). L-Citrulline has long been available in supplement form, but the Japanese are seeing how far they can market it, putting it into sports drinks, sports bars and even gum. But mainly, it's just another excuse to eat a huge, juicy slice of watermelon.
HMMMMMM - did Mthd know something for the Diesel's Adventure?
Odd Sunday
Today started out off for us today. Goose got a call to go into work, it is his weekend, so he had to go. Legbreaker weekend - he is off - lots of roads to ride and a band to watch (yeah!).
After he took care of business, he headed out to ride. Not sure where, but he saw Big Tim, his wife and others. They had ridden from Brookville, training for their CA ride. Goose wanted to do some climbing today, and did. When he finished he made a comment that he felt better climbing this year (could it be some people know what they are talking about? - hehe). The trips we have taken for him to climb has really worked this year. The legs are getting there and it sounds like mentally his brain is getting there also. That was really good to hear.
Me? I headed out on my usual ride. I was able to carry higher MPH on some of the roads I struggle with. Decided I would give in and use my inhaler since it was a little humid. Gotta practice taking the cap off, exhaling and then holding my breathe (I ended up just stopping to use it, which worked much better). The road I struggle on, was much easier today (did the inhaler help?). Unfortunately, using it raises my heart rate much more than I like. But, I am finding each day, my struggles are getting a little easier. Maybe in 10 years I can finally said I almost mastered a course!.
Sounds like I might have a copilot for next Saturday. At least I won't get lost!!!!
After he took care of business, he headed out to ride. Not sure where, but he saw Big Tim, his wife and others. They had ridden from Brookville, training for their CA ride. Goose wanted to do some climbing today, and did. When he finished he made a comment that he felt better climbing this year (could it be some people know what they are talking about? - hehe). The trips we have taken for him to climb has really worked this year. The legs are getting there and it sounds like mentally his brain is getting there also. That was really good to hear.
Me? I headed out on my usual ride. I was able to carry higher MPH on some of the roads I struggle with. Decided I would give in and use my inhaler since it was a little humid. Gotta practice taking the cap off, exhaling and then holding my breathe (I ended up just stopping to use it, which worked much better). The road I struggle on, was much easier today (did the inhaler help?). Unfortunately, using it raises my heart rate much more than I like. But, I am finding each day, my struggles are getting a little easier. Maybe in 10 years I can finally said I almost mastered a course!.
Sounds like I might have a copilot for next Saturday. At least I won't get lost!!!!
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