Sunday, May 20, 2007


Today, Sunday was the official start of da' Goose's racing season. As usual, we had to get up extra early and be there extra early - nobody ever taught the boy to sleep in! Little bit of drizzle, lots of wind - no water in the river. Makes for a good race day. Had family there to cheer him on - what more could the Goose ask for - WELL how about a no flat day. Yep, it happened - luckily he was riding on tubes (guess that is the correct term) - Shawn told him to nurse it in, which he did. Luckily no damage done to his disk or wheel - tires need replaced (but they did any way). They knew beating Jeff Coudron and Brian Barker would be tough - which today didn't happen - but the still managed to come in 2nd or First in the Male/Male division. The Goose did really well today - held his composure. Proud of him. The sad note of today, we had the viewing of the lady that babysat him when he was younger. I really think he viewed her as his 2nd mom.

Life does go on - Monday will be the burial and water running to help the knees.

1 comment:

Craig " Egg " Carroll said...

Way to go Goose! Great job!!

Sorry to hear about your Nanny. Live Strong for her man!!

Keep up the great work!!