But BURNING HOT inside! The appointed time was 1:00 p.m. - who shows - rides (2 hours easy). At eggactly 1:00 Eggie shows saying he got a Text Msg that somebody was running a little late. Few minutes later - the Doctor showed up--- boy it was really good to see him. Everyone got set up and we were riding to Aerobase Builder. Should be an easy ride, fairly low intensity, but you can't do that with Egg and Crilli in the house. They made the ole Goose and Noose work extra hard today. We had decided after that DVD would we pop in No Slackers and ride a portion of it to make 2 hours. As Goose said "WHO THE HELL ORDERED THIS" - hmm that would be Egg. He wanted to do the 5K Time trial and the next set after that. The two sets that I personally hate on that Coach Troy DVD. But no way was he going to break me. Crilli and Egg were "coaching" Goose through it and I just listened to what they were telling him. But I don't care what they say, 180 seconds feels like an hour at that point.
Of course we had fun picking on each other, many topics of conversation -one was Goose telling Egg and Crilli the story of LMD. Good ride, excellent company. Thanks guys!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Hills Were Alive With
Goose as a Knight on a Chess Board :P What more could ya ask for ---- Goose, Noose and Coach ET (well I can think of one other person but they couldn't get here - maybe another time)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
We Took The Challenge
Zoot that is. "Remember it is all about having fun" and "You knew it was coming - big ring - 12 - standing and sprinting for 1 minute" Goose says "How bad do ya want it?" and the three magic words - It's All Voluntary! What more is there to say about this Spinerval?
Monday, December 8, 2008
Winter can depress me - but I have found a great outlet and something that makes me really happy and feel accomplished ------ Trainers! Goose and I rode trainers with Coach ET on Sunday. Did the Aerobase dvd and the most hated (to me) No Slackers. Two hours - and lovin' every minute of it.
What I like about trainers and DVDs is you have somebody telling you what to do and when to do it. Some people don't like that - I don't mind. Makes my life easy.
Now I need to focus on cookie baking, Christmas, surgery and back on the bike. Life is good in the Ungerecht household.
What I like about trainers and DVDs is you have somebody telling you what to do and when to do it. Some people don't like that - I don't mind. Makes my life easy.
Now I need to focus on cookie baking, Christmas, surgery and back on the bike. Life is good in the Ungerecht household.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday Fun
What more can you ask for - trainers, Hillacious, Coach ET, Goose and Noose? Sounds like a fun evening to me. Somebody tried to sprint for signs, but in my mind I know I really won one. Top it off with a little auto mechanics and chili - wow we really do have an exciting life!!!
Some probably decided to ride outside - nope not us (well especially me). Looks like trainers in our future until further notice.
Some probably decided to ride outside - nope not us (well especially me). Looks like trainers in our future until further notice.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Goose had made plans to ride Sunday afternoon. I was actually happy to hear that, he hadn't really been on the bike in 3 weeks (well except for the one time with me doing Hillacious). I actually thought he would plan on riding about 1:30-2:00 time frame - the weather forecast was warmer and the sun would be out.
After Mass he began setting everything up. Those that have been to our home know you pass through the kitchen to get to the family room. He made MANY trips from the back of the house to the family room - I am in the kitchen trying to get the chili started ------- every time he walked through he grumbled about the weather - it was cold - who decided to ride outside today - this went only for about an hour. He finally got ready and wanted to ride up the street to make sure he was dressed warm enough (he did decide to take off one of the jerseys and wear his jacked)- the big green team van pulled in they (Big Tim and Craig) got ready to ride. Craig shared with me the route and I had to chuckle. I asked Goose if he wanted to know the route - nope, he knew he hadn't been riding and they would kill him, didn't matter what route.
After they headed out I decided to ride to No Slackers. I hadn't used that DVD in a while and when I hit the 5K prologue I remembered why I put it away last year. I got through it and really need to ride it more - we'll see, I really love Hillacious.
When I got done I thought I would go outside to try and get a picture of Goose coming back down the street. They had been gone I thought long enough. Well I got cold standing outside, came back in to warm up and he was home - Missed the picture. People that know Jeff are very aware that he hates to ride when it is cold or rainy.
Oh - Egg said he rode really well given the fact he hasn't ridden in a long time. Tim and Craig came in for a while (long enough to see Jeff's engineer suit). Jeff did get his work done outside but didn't take him long to saw logs when he went to bed.
After Mass he began setting everything up. Those that have been to our home know you pass through the kitchen to get to the family room. He made MANY trips from the back of the house to the family room - I am in the kitchen trying to get the chili started ------- every time he walked through he grumbled about the weather - it was cold - who decided to ride outside today - this went only for about an hour. He finally got ready and wanted to ride up the street to make sure he was dressed warm enough (he did decide to take off one of the jerseys and wear his jacked)- the big green team van pulled in they (Big Tim and Craig) got ready to ride. Craig shared with me the route and I had to chuckle. I asked Goose if he wanted to know the route - nope, he knew he hadn't been riding and they would kill him, didn't matter what route.
After they headed out I decided to ride to No Slackers. I hadn't used that DVD in a while and when I hit the 5K prologue I remembered why I put it away last year. I got through it and really need to ride it more - we'll see, I really love Hillacious.
When I got done I thought I would go outside to try and get a picture of Goose coming back down the street. They had been gone I thought long enough. Well I got cold standing outside, came back in to warm up and he was home - Missed the picture. People that know Jeff are very aware that he hates to ride when it is cold or rainy.
Oh - Egg said he rode really well given the fact he hasn't ridden in a long time. Tim and Craig came in for a while (long enough to see Jeff's engineer suit). Jeff did get his work done outside but didn't take him long to saw logs when he went to bed.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Thanks for the Memories
As I have flipped back and watched the videos and pictures of this last year - all I can say is "Thanks for the Memories!" I look at the faces, smiles and pain - helped everyone climb that last hill/mountain - enjoyed hearing AJ recount his memory of Helen, excited about the upcoming trip, talking about all his "friends" - to me that is what cycling is all about. It is about the friends/bonds that we have all found - and remembering that people come in go in our lives for a reason and accepting that. So to all that have riden this year and let me be apart of that - THANK YOU!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Remember I am Watching YOU
Even though it was snowing - I don't mean Santa! It was all voluntary and some jack a@@ gave a thumbs up after saying"Hills".
Jeff and I watched AJ play indoor soccer again this morning. AJ just couldn't contain himself when he made a goal - he had to make sure that we saw him do it. Once again a lot of running up and down the floor, better ball handling on both teams, and a lot of smiles from little ones.
We got home, Jeff had debated all morning on running (if the weather cleared up) or riding with me. When the beautiful flakes stated to fall, I knew he was inside with me. What a better DVD to start the indoor season for him - Hillacious. Lots of fun, Jeff had a better frame of mind for the indoors and the hour flew by. I know you die hard riders probably road outside today - not me!
Jeff and I watched AJ play indoor soccer again this morning. AJ just couldn't contain himself when he made a goal - he had to make sure that we saw him do it. Once again a lot of running up and down the floor, better ball handling on both teams, and a lot of smiles from little ones.
We got home, Jeff had debated all morning on running (if the weather cleared up) or riding with me. When the beautiful flakes stated to fall, I knew he was inside with me. What a better DVD to start the indoor season for him - Hillacious. Lots of fun, Jeff had a better frame of mind for the indoors and the hour flew by. I know you die hard riders probably road outside today - not me!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Weekend Fun
Jeff had this Saturday off and had volunteered to help Shane (Diesel) move some of the heavy "stuff" into a pod. Rhino, Dobo, Jeff and a couple of Shane's friends showed up and it didn't take long. Now we just need to hope that Shane gets a home soon!
AJ had his second soccer "game" this week. He as so thrilled that PoPo was coming to watch. It is a blast to watch 3-4 yr olds run up and down the floor - trying to control the ball and kick it into the goal -- usually then don't care if it is the right goal or not.
This week the coach tried to rotate the players through the different positions. All I know, I hope the little goalie that played that position all last week --- goes to Tipp Schools - that kid was awesome!
This week they also used the "clock" - did not keep score and had Refs (a couple of times I think they were ready to fall over laughing)
AJ is ready to play. He ended up getting the ball first - got it down to the net - but still doesn't understand the kick/delivery idea. He kicks it to the goalie - oh well.
AJ's turn at goalie - not his favorite position - he loves to run up and down the floor (go figure). But he did take the position seriously.
He was able to block the goal and knew to throw the ball back out.
If you could have seen his face up close - the intensity he had with the throw.
Finally he is rotated back in to "run". He is getting better as passing off the ball to another person - but his favorite thing is to get the ball and out run everyone else down the floor. I missed his goal - was too busy watching and forgot to take pictures.
AJ had his second soccer "game" this week. He as so thrilled that PoPo was coming to watch. It is a blast to watch 3-4 yr olds run up and down the floor - trying to control the ball and kick it into the goal -- usually then don't care if it is the right goal or not.
This week the coach tried to rotate the players through the different positions. All I know, I hope the little goalie that played that position all last week --- goes to Tipp Schools - that kid was awesome!
This week they also used the "clock" - did not keep score and had Refs (a couple of times I think they were ready to fall over laughing)
I think there were some tired little kids after an hour of playing.
Jeff decided he wanted to run today. He said he had a good easy run, everything felt good (which is really good considering he really didn't focus on running this year).
The plan for Sunday was getting the leaves picked up (again). But with the wind/freezing rain, decided to wait until a few more fell.
Looks like water for Jeff on Monday and trainer for me.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Gall of It All
The week started on such a good note. Goose's legs were "tender" but still there after the TTT. I had ridden T.L. on Friday - legs felt great.
Goose and I have talked about doing the Turkey Trot again this year. I knew we both needed to get out on the road - him running and me walking. Goose was going to lift weights to make the rest of his body hurt and I decided since the day was so beautiful it was time to start my double mint gum workouts. I walked 5 miles and rode Hillacious inside on the trainer. Felt great when I was done. Goose had a really good weight work out also. About 2 in the morning I felt like somebody had slugged me in the stomach. Goose was snoring and on his side, so I knew it wasn't him (lol). Got up at the normal time and OH NO - "it" hit me. I went on over to stay with AJ and "it" got progressively worse through the morning. By lunch time, I called my son-in-law to come home, I really thought I was gonna die. Was able to get into the Dr - with the location and "it" he was sure it involved my gallbladder. Was able to get testing done the next morning at 7 a.m. Dr called this morning and said luckily there are no stones - just inflammation - not a good thing but livable. Bottom line, I feel better - we will watch it and see if it occurs again, then we will discuss what needs to be done.
The sad thing is my thoughts were on not being able to ride for a few weeks - YUCK. Luckily in a couple of days, things should be completely back to normal (or whatever that is for me!)
Goose is running tonight and hopefully daylight will hold out until he gets off the trails.
Goose and I have talked about doing the Turkey Trot again this year. I knew we both needed to get out on the road - him running and me walking. Goose was going to lift weights to make the rest of his body hurt and I decided since the day was so beautiful it was time to start my double mint gum workouts. I walked 5 miles and rode Hillacious inside on the trainer. Felt great when I was done. Goose had a really good weight work out also. About 2 in the morning I felt like somebody had slugged me in the stomach. Goose was snoring and on his side, so I knew it wasn't him (lol). Got up at the normal time and OH NO - "it" hit me. I went on over to stay with AJ and "it" got progressively worse through the morning. By lunch time, I called my son-in-law to come home, I really thought I was gonna die. Was able to get into the Dr - with the location and "it" he was sure it involved my gallbladder. Was able to get testing done the next morning at 7 a.m. Dr called this morning and said luckily there are no stones - just inflammation - not a good thing but livable. Bottom line, I feel better - we will watch it and see if it occurs again, then we will discuss what needs to be done.
The sad thing is my thoughts were on not being able to ride for a few weeks - YUCK. Luckily in a couple of days, things should be completely back to normal (or whatever that is for me!)
Goose is running tonight and hopefully daylight will hold out until he gets off the trails.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
TT Day
The Aliens have landed - Goose waiting his turn
Diesel, Rhino, Egg and Goose after the race

Wow what a day. Goose wanted to go first (after suggesting that the time start at 9 instead of 8 - no takers on that from Speedy Feet {Jeff Coudron}). I must say as cold as it was, Goose didn't really complain. After Jeff took I headed back to the truck to get a pair of gloves. Rhino asked if I could help put air in his disc wheel (which I usually do for Jeff)- well I couldn't feel my fingers and I let the air out - Vince just smiled and said we are trying to put air in not out.
Wow what a day. Goose wanted to go first (after suggesting that the time start at 9 instead of 8 - no takers on that from Speedy Feet {Jeff Coudron}). I must say as cold as it was, Goose didn't really complain. After Jeff took I headed back to the truck to get a pair of gloves. Rhino asked if I could help put air in his disc wheel (which I usually do for Jeff)- well I couldn't feel my fingers and I let the air out - Vince just smiled and said we are trying to put air in not out.
At one point I looked up to see Egg and then Diesel at the race. Good company for me during the wait periods.
I saw Jeff at the spot where Cows ended their TT and he looked good - granted it was only the 11 mile mark, but he looked "comfortable". After tagging Jeff Coudron it was stand around and wait just like the first riders. Then it was Rhino's turn. His projected time was on the mark. Once the three started riding together - Goose has funny one liners about what happened. I think the best is "Here is Vince riding with one hand and pushing me with the other". Vince kept the team together - pushing Goose to keep up with Coudron.
Although the outcome wasn't what they (at least Goose) wanted, the did get second place. Afterward Goose was looking for a personal part and Vince told him he had it in his hand pulling him along that last part of the loop :)
Thanks to Vince - this is the first TT Jeff has done and Vince took care of Jeff today. He enabled him to arrive alive and not give up!
Thanks to Egg and Diesel for coming and showing your support to Vince and Jeff - I know it meant a lot to them.
Thanks to Egg and Diesel for coming and showing your support to Vince and Jeff - I know it meant a lot to them.
As usual, Speedy Feet another great event.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Sweetest Day
Sweetest Day - to me if you love someone - every day should be Sweetest Day. Goose - Love Ya :)
Friday Love
Talked to Goose late in the day and he decided not to ride, said he really needed to get in the water. He knew what was best and what he needed to do.
I had a very personal reason that I needed to do something special on Friday. Bike is on the trainer so I decided to do something fun. Jeff called before leaving work - said can't talk I am riding. He called about 45 minutes later - said can't talk riding. When he finally got home, I had just finished. He wanted to know what DVD I had ridden with - all I can say is Coach Troy had lots of love for me today and I took all of it alone. I felt very accomplished with finishing it (the whole damn thing). AND I can walk today!
Goose is getting ready for his big TT on Sunday morning (brrrr, then it is going to warm up)
I had a very personal reason that I needed to do something special on Friday. Bike is on the trainer so I decided to do something fun. Jeff called before leaving work - said can't talk I am riding. He called about 45 minutes later - said can't talk riding. When he finally got home, I had just finished. He wanted to know what DVD I had ridden with - all I can say is Coach Troy had lots of love for me today and I took all of it alone. I felt very accomplished with finishing it (the whole damn thing). AND I can walk today!
Goose is getting ready for his big TT on Sunday morning (brrrr, then it is going to warm up)
Monday, October 13, 2008
The First Annual Tour of America
Hopefully what has been published is true. Looks like Stage 8 will be 9/12/09 starting in Columbus and finishing in Dayton with a ride of 123 miles for the day. Looks like a good saturday to watch a race.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Word of the Day - VOLUNTARY
VOLUNTARY - yep that is the word. Gotta keep reminding us of that. Staying a live was also the theme of the day.
We had a brunch birthday party on the Gross side (son-in-law side). Pizza and cake can sit heavy on the tummy. Got home and Goose was actually going to be on time. I was getting ready to head out and noticed a message on the phone. Jeff C was still working on the results of the race he was working this morning - wasn't sure if Rhino and Goose wanted to wait on him. They did decide to wait (poor on time Rhino - can't win with the tri guys!) Vince was the man today - he showed Jeff C what he had to offer and that was a lot. When they were done, they all agreed communication was what they needed. Goose reached a point a couple of times today, race day he needs to speak up and they will back it down a notch until his heart rate comes back down. They put a hurt on the old guy today!
I headed out and did not go all the way down Peters. I hit Fred-Ginghamsburg to Boone to Dog Leg. Took my normal turn onto Jackson and left on Fred Pike and right to Martindale and then to Kley. Decided I wanted to try the Antioch School Road (hmmmmm Voluntary comes to mind). When I FINALLY reached the top to turn on Fred Pike I took a little (maybe long) rest. Finished up with Neal Pearson to Troy Fred and then home.
It was such a beautiful day to ride. We know the days are numbered and then it becomes trainers again. Gotta love the fall weather with the beautiful skies.
We had a brunch birthday party on the Gross side (son-in-law side). Pizza and cake can sit heavy on the tummy. Got home and Goose was actually going to be on time. I was getting ready to head out and noticed a message on the phone. Jeff C was still working on the results of the race he was working this morning - wasn't sure if Rhino and Goose wanted to wait on him. They did decide to wait (poor on time Rhino - can't win with the tri guys!) Vince was the man today - he showed Jeff C what he had to offer and that was a lot. When they were done, they all agreed communication was what they needed. Goose reached a point a couple of times today, race day he needs to speak up and they will back it down a notch until his heart rate comes back down. They put a hurt on the old guy today!
I headed out and did not go all the way down Peters. I hit Fred-Ginghamsburg to Boone to Dog Leg. Took my normal turn onto Jackson and left on Fred Pike and right to Martindale and then to Kley. Decided I wanted to try the Antioch School Road (hmmmmm Voluntary comes to mind). When I FINALLY reached the top to turn on Fred Pike I took a little (maybe long) rest. Finished up with Neal Pearson to Troy Fred and then home.
It was such a beautiful day to ride. We know the days are numbered and then it becomes trainers again. Gotta love the fall weather with the beautiful skies.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
1 out of 100
Last triathlon of the year held in Bellbrook. Chilly morning, fog rising off the water, water level was really low. Still lots of twigs/branches/logs in the river, today was the day to be really smart in the river.
Jeff and Rick headed out with an early start time. Lots of people got stuck in rocks as soon as they pushed off - luckily Jeff and Rick didn't. Rick is excellent at reading the river and between the two of them they were able to get down with minimal amount of trouble. Very slow times in the canoe. But today was a no anchor or paddle day in the canoe for them AND they didn't bring a gun to a knife fight!
Coming in off the run we were surprised that they came in as soon as they did (I actually missed Rick's picture). Jeff was determined to not let this guy (who was in a kayak who started in front of him) pass him on the run!
Jeff and Rick headed out with an early start time. Lots of people got stuck in rocks as soon as they pushed off - luckily Jeff and Rick didn't. Rick is excellent at reading the river and between the two of them they were able to get down with minimal amount of trouble. Very slow times in the canoe. But today was a no anchor or paddle day in the canoe for them AND they didn't bring a gun to a knife fight!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Pre Race Day
Goose decided to do his only little Tri today. He ran in the water at the Y, came home and ran about a mile to test his legs, then rode a short ride to make sure everything was working on the bike. Yep, he is ready.
The race tomorrow will be difficult - no water in the river, can waste too much energy get down the river. Not sure about the run. It looks like the route is still changed due to down trees. Bike is last and I hope this year of riding mountains comes through for Goose.
I couldn't decide what I was doing today. Bought groceries first (big mistake - prices depress me!). Came home and felt like being a blog on the couch. Went back and forth between riding and walking. Filled my water bottle - so that means I have to ride. I can say the dog won today. He finally got me, not sure if he actually bit me or just got me with his nails. Didn't matter, it hurt. So I did call 911 and had to report it. Deputy asked me if I needed to call somebody to pick me up - nope got a full water bottle and I had to ride. Leg is sore, but I did remember what somebody said one time when another rider went down - Are you going to cry or ride - so I rode. Not a good one, but I got it done.
The race tomorrow will be difficult - no water in the river, can waste too much energy get down the river. Not sure about the run. It looks like the route is still changed due to down trees. Bike is last and I hope this year of riding mountains comes through for Goose.
I couldn't decide what I was doing today. Bought groceries first (big mistake - prices depress me!). Came home and felt like being a blog on the couch. Went back and forth between riding and walking. Filled my water bottle - so that means I have to ride. I can say the dog won today. He finally got me, not sure if he actually bit me or just got me with his nails. Didn't matter, it hurt. So I did call 911 and had to report it. Deputy asked me if I needed to call somebody to pick me up - nope got a full water bottle and I had to ride. Leg is sore, but I did remember what somebody said one time when another rider went down - Are you going to cry or ride - so I rode. Not a good one, but I got it done.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Commitment Made
Well I guess the commitment has been made --- I just booked reservations for us in Helen GA next April. Looking forward to it :) This year I want to make sure we have extra snacks/water for AJ and I to do a little "Trail Magic" on the Appalachian Trail Hike Through while everyone rides. We had a little extra to spare - this year I want to make sure we have more to leave behind. This if for the people hiking the 2200+ miles from GA to NJ. They have to carry their food and drinks and rely on people leaving stuff for them on the trails.
On another note, Jeff has his last Tri this Sunday and he is ready. He already has the "attitude" going. Just kidding - but he is ready. Cycling is great - no pain in the legs/back/butt for running. He is racing with someone that he raced many years ago at Milton. Rick got married and had children, sorta dropped from the scene for a few years but it looks like he is back.
Looking forward to Sunday, I am not sure if I am sad the season is over. Jeff started early this year with the trip to Helen (which is about 1 1/2 months earlier than usual for him).
The last official race is the TT with Rhino and Jeff Coudron. He is thinking about the Turkey Trot - that will be determined later on how his legs feel after Sunday (and they don't kill him on the TT!)
We have the schedule for next year, just need to mix it in with the Tri's to fill the schedule.
On another note, Jeff has his last Tri this Sunday and he is ready. He already has the "attitude" going. Just kidding - but he is ready. Cycling is great - no pain in the legs/back/butt for running. He is racing with someone that he raced many years ago at Milton. Rick got married and had children, sorta dropped from the scene for a few years but it looks like he is back.
Looking forward to Sunday, I am not sure if I am sad the season is over. Jeff started early this year with the trip to Helen (which is about 1 1/2 months earlier than usual for him).
The last official race is the TT with Rhino and Jeff Coudron. He is thinking about the Turkey Trot - that will be determined later on how his legs feel after Sunday (and they don't kill him on the TT!)
We have the schedule for next year, just need to mix it in with the Tri's to fill the schedule.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
TT Practice Day With Rhino
Things didn't start off well for the Goose. He called on the way to Miami East and said he had forgotten the map/directions of the TT. He was headed home and wanted me to have it and some other "stuff" outside so he didn't have to come in. As I handed everything to him the thought went through my mind "Did you forget anything else?".
I was debating if I was riding first or going to Krogers to pick up what I forgot yesterday. Decided to go to Krogers first, knew after I rode I wouldn't want to go. On the way home my cell rings - it is Jeff. First thought was I hope he didn't go down (he has done that is a couple of years but it is always a fear for me). Nope - he forgot his shoes and could I bring them to him.
We all know Vince doesn't like to wait, but he did with a smile (THANKS!) Goose was a little nervous riding alone with Vince - he was afraid of not hanging on. But he did and got some good coaching from Vince during the ride. Jeff was very pleased with the ride and how smoothly the vent repair at the kids house.
So even though the day started out forgetful, he had a good riding day.
I was debating if I was riding first or going to Krogers to pick up what I forgot yesterday. Decided to go to Krogers first, knew after I rode I wouldn't want to go. On the way home my cell rings - it is Jeff. First thought was I hope he didn't go down (he has done that is a couple of years but it is always a fear for me). Nope - he forgot his shoes and could I bring them to him.
We all know Vince doesn't like to wait, but he did with a smile (THANKS!) Goose was a little nervous riding alone with Vince - he was afraid of not hanging on. But he did and got some good coaching from Vince during the ride. Jeff was very pleased with the ride and how smoothly the vent repair at the kids house.
So even though the day started out forgetful, he had a good riding day.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Lance's Team - A No Brainer
A Kazakh cycling federation official says seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong will join Team Astana for his return to competitive cycling. Federation deputy chief Nikolai Proskurin says Armstrong will be making a formal announcement at a news conference in New York today. He says Armstrong agreed to ride for the Kazakhstan-based team for free for the first year and that his first race will take place in California. The deal is a coup for the Kazakh team, which was thrown out of last year's Tour de France after Alexander Vinokourov tested positive for a blood transfusion. Team Astana's leader is Johan Bruyneel,who was Armstrong's team director for all of his Tour de France victories. "I'm gonna train as hard as I can," Armstrong told Early Show co-anchor Harry Smith Wednesday. "I don't know how competitive I can be, because I've been away for what will amount to four years by the time I get back there next summer. But, the most important thing is we'll take the Livestrong message (to fight what his foundation calls a global cancer epidemic) around the world -- not just the United States, not just Western Europe, but Australia, South America, South Africa, Asia -- and try to create awareness around what really is a global epidemic (of cancer). "For me, the No. 1 priority is the message. It's making sure that, that not just, as we well know here in the United States, this disease takes an incredible toll. But there's a lot of societies and countries and cultures around the world that don't understand this disease. We try to understand it on a scientific level. There are a lot of other cultures that are just trying to understand the stigma associated with it, the side effects, all of these things that are associated with it we can change over the years." Couldn't he do it without racing a bicycle at the same time? "Probably," Arsmtrong conceded. "But I think, if you train seriously and you try to compete at the highest level, it brings that much more attention to it." Also, he says, training for a recent race made him realize he missed cycling. Armstong added that there's "no way I could race against" Bruyneel, making his choice of teams relatively easy. Meanwhile, Australian officials said Wednesday that Armstrong would begin his comeback in the Tour Down Under in January. Armstrong announced on Sept. 9 that he would return to cycling after three years in retirement and would attempt to win the Tour de France an eighth time. There were reports in Madrid on Tuesday that 2007 Tour de France winner Alberto Contador of Spain would leave if Armstrong joined Astana. "I've earned the right to be the leader of a team without having to fight for my place," Contador said in AS newspaper. "And with Armstrong, some difficult situations could arise in which the team would put him first and that would hurt me." Contador won the Spanish Vuelta on Sunday. Combined with his 2008 Giro d'Italia title, he became just the fifth cyclist to win the three highest-regarded Tours. "My intention is to stay (at Astana) because I have a contract until 2010, but I have already received a good number of offers from other teams," he said. Armstrong sought to quell the controversy in his chat with Smith, saying, "Again, our first priority is taking Livestrong global. We're not here to take anybody's job or infringe on the stuff they've rightfully earned. We'll see. I don't know how the season will play out. It's the strongest team in the world which makes it easier for me if I were to be competitive."
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Legs Return
Chia Goose's (hehe) legs returned today. Lots of work done in the yard and we are FINALLY done with the debris pickup (I know everyone else was done mid week - we are old and slow)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Goose's Physical
Every couple of years Goose has to have a physical (mandated by DOT) since he has kept his CDL. It was scheduled for this morning, but knowing his eye sight is better as the day goes on and his hearing is never good, rescheduled for the afternoon. Eye sight was 20/20 this afternoon (kinda surprised on that one). But I was SHOCKED - he failed the actual physical. This is a guy who can run and ride, I think really well. He called me with the results and I had to look them up (hadn't heard of either one) EPO.J and LOE - what? Well after much research I discovered they represented Excessive PoPo Juice and Lack of Exercise! Hmmm what to do? Drink more water and get your ass back on the bike. Just kidding (about what to do). Jeff has taken a well deserved week off - Saturday he has to work and then start getting rid of the large limbs lost during Sunday's winds.
Sunday? That is still up in the air.
With overtime at my son-in-law's work, I haven't ridden this week. I have been able to walk all week (10 miles total just today). Tomorrow I plan on getting out early in the day and hopefully walk after riding. Sunday? Not sure. I know I said I would never ride my route 2xs ever again, but I might have to do that. Andrew (Son-in-law) had his hours changed at work, putting me home 2 hours later everyday, which puts me out into work traffic. Not sure what I will do, but will work it out.
Sunday? That is still up in the air.
With overtime at my son-in-law's work, I haven't ridden this week. I have been able to walk all week (10 miles total just today). Tomorrow I plan on getting out early in the day and hopefully walk after riding. Sunday? Not sure. I know I said I would never ride my route 2xs ever again, but I might have to do that. Andrew (Son-in-law) had his hours changed at work, putting me home 2 hours later everyday, which puts me out into work traffic. Not sure what I will do, but will work it out.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I am very positive with the circumstances of Highlander, Goose made a good decision of not going. With all the flats - add Goose into that - Egg would have been very busy. With the weather coming back - I am positive I am glad we didn't go. I still remember our return from Helen, we caught the front at one point and the after at another of a tornado. I know there were points that I wanted to pull over. I probably am over cautious when we travel with AJ, but I don't like high winds on or off the bike!
With that - Goose rode Sunday and ran into Mr and Mrs Helldawg out of the roads. He came home and said - great day to ride, wish you would have ridden with me (NOT!!!!!!) I saw the ind gusts and knew it would kill me today. I had trouble walking into the wind and knew it wouldn't happen for me. We are sorry everyone had flats, but glad it was a good trip for all.
Goose canoed with Rick Kitchen on Monday and said the Bellbrook river is a mess. Guess the plan is to keep the tri on track. Hopefully the river clears up before then.
I was going to ride today. I drove the rodes and saw the power lines down and trees still in the road on the back roads. I decided not to get myself in the way and picked up the never ending branches from our yard and to walk. I think we will be cleaning up the yard this time next year.
Great year - Goose has one more tri and the TT then it is time to scale back the training for a few weeks. Looking into new DVDs for this winter. Time to have more fun.
With that - Goose rode Sunday and ran into Mr and Mrs Helldawg out of the roads. He came home and said - great day to ride, wish you would have ridden with me (NOT!!!!!!) I saw the ind gusts and knew it would kill me today. I had trouble walking into the wind and knew it wouldn't happen for me. We are sorry everyone had flats, but glad it was a good trip for all.
Goose canoed with Rick Kitchen on Monday and said the Bellbrook river is a mess. Guess the plan is to keep the tri on track. Hopefully the river clears up before then.
I was going to ride today. I drove the rodes and saw the power lines down and trees still in the road on the back roads. I decided not to get myself in the way and picked up the never ending branches from our yard and to walk. I think we will be cleaning up the yard this time next year.
Great year - Goose has one more tri and the TT then it is time to scale back the training for a few weeks. Looking into new DVDs for this winter. Time to have more fun.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Dog Update
AJ and I decided to go on a picnic today, so we headed to Taylorsville Dam. There just happened to be an Animal Control Officer on her lunch. After she was done, I explained my situation to her. She said since the water made the dog more aggressive, do not use mace. I gave her the address and she said she would check it out. Just got a call from her. She said the farmer has a beautiful kennel for the 2 dogs - nicer than most homes she has been in. There was a younger gentleman there who works for the farmer (he wasn't there) and said yes the dog is a huge problem. He has chased a number of cyclists and witnessed what happened to me yesterday. He said the farmer has obsolutely no control of the dog. The Animal Control Officer left a warning and said she would do a follow-up. She gave me a card to carry with the number I needed to call if it happens again.
I hated to report the guy, sure I could make another route, but I do like this one. I am glad to hear it just isn't me. Jeff said he has riden that route many times and never had a dog come out after him. Oh well, I am not riding tonight, decided to walk to see if I can work out the "bug" in my hip, but I do plan on riding Friday.
I hated to report the guy, sure I could make another route, but I do like this one. I am glad to hear it just isn't me. Jeff said he has riden that route many times and never had a dog come out after him. Oh well, I am not riding tonight, decided to walk to see if I can work out the "bug" in my hip, but I do plan on riding Friday.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Dropped the CD off for Ron to give to his mom. Goose was early - again! When he got home he said he was happy with his ride. Still recovering from his Tri on Sunday. Didn't get a blow-by-blow like Eggie gives. Shower - dinner - a few cold ones - he should be good the for the night. Looks like almost everyone is heading for Highlander - Goose will have to ride alone on Friday night.
Me? What a day. AJ was line leader (if you have ever had a child in pre-school, you will know what a big deal that is!) I got to walk my 5 miles while he was in school and really enjoyed it. After Andrew got home, I went out for my ride. Not a good thing. All I can say is that dog needs to be restrained, police are a waste of time, motorcycles are good things, the dog I think threw my hip out or strained a muscle when he hit me. Definitely getting mace before I ride that way again. Owner doesn't understand he has to restrain the dog.
To everyone going to Highlander - Have fun - takes lots of pictures. Travel/Ride safely.
Me? What a day. AJ was line leader (if you have ever had a child in pre-school, you will know what a big deal that is!) I got to walk my 5 miles while he was in school and really enjoyed it. After Andrew got home, I went out for my ride. Not a good thing. All I can say is that dog needs to be restrained, police are a waste of time, motorcycles are good things, the dog I think threw my hip out or strained a muscle when he hit me. Definitely getting mace before I ride that way again. Owner doesn't understand he has to restrain the dog.
To everyone going to Highlander - Have fun - takes lots of pictures. Travel/Ride safely.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Say It Really Is So
Well after reading Egg's blog, I must admit I was excited about Lance. Then I read Dobo's and thought shit. Well NOW YEAH:
"I am happy to announce that after talking with my children, my family and my closest friends, I have decided to return to professional cycling in order to raise awareness of the global cancer burden," the 36-year-old Armstrong said in a statement released to The Associated Press. "This year alone, nearly eight million people will die of cancer worldwide. ... It's now time to address cancer on a global level." In an exclusive interview with Vanity Fair, Armstrong told the magazine he's 100 percent sure he's going to compete in the Tour de France next summer. "I'm going back to professional cycling," he said in the story posted Tuesday on the magazine's Web site. "I'm going to try and win an eighth Tour de France."
Looks like a great Tour for 09 and who knows, maybe Tour De Georgia can be saved. That would be awesome to see him ride there.
Well ok, I have had my fix on spandex today.
"I am happy to announce that after talking with my children, my family and my closest friends, I have decided to return to professional cycling in order to raise awareness of the global cancer burden," the 36-year-old Armstrong said in a statement released to The Associated Press. "This year alone, nearly eight million people will die of cancer worldwide. ... It's now time to address cancer on a global level." In an exclusive interview with Vanity Fair, Armstrong told the magazine he's 100 percent sure he's going to compete in the Tour de France next summer. "I'm going back to professional cycling," he said in the story posted Tuesday on the magazine's Web site. "I'm going to try and win an eighth Tour de France."
Looks like a great Tour for 09 and who knows, maybe Tour De Georgia can be saved. That would be awesome to see him ride there.
Well ok, I have had my fix on spandex today.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Race Day
Well it really started last night. Goose went out to get the crap out of his legs - came back in the that smile upside down :(. He has "pulled" his calf muscle a little earlier in the week. Not much to talk about so he didn't Well yesterday, he must have finished the job. So he started icing his leg hoping to get rid of the pull. As of 8:00 last night, he didn't think he would race. We talked about him canoeing and riding and then not running. So he put a call into Egg to tell him save your gas - he just wasn't sure.
This morning, leg was still really tender, but we headed out. Beautiful overcast/cool day - perfect day to race. Talked to his partner, Jeff Coudron, about the running portion. Like Jeff C. said, "we are here to have fun - do what you can and HAVE FUN". The took off in the canoe like people were sitting still. They ended up being the second canoe in - they had staggered starts, which put them out front at this time. Goose and Jeff had already decided ahead of time that Goose would just stay on his wheel. Coudron is a strong cyclist and knew he could pull old PoPo around (hehe). We did the math and it looks like they averaged 24.99999 mph - Goose is really happy with the bike portion and THANKS TO ALL THE COWS! I really wasn't sure if he was going to run, but he headed out. The motivation sat in and discovered his leg wasn't going to hurt any more if he ran faster. So he did. He finished within seconds of his last year's time, but given the fact that his calf muscle is pulled - he is thrilled.
On the way home I asked him if he would classify this as a no chain day - YEP!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Lake Loramie
Usually this means the end of the racing season, but Speedy Feet has added one more Tri and a new TT. I always looked forward to the end of the season, that meant Jeff was more flexible in his training, was home more, etc. But I must admit I hate to see this year end. He has had so much fun training, less on the running and more on the bike. We have taken a couple of really neat trips, met new people at the Tri's and gained many new friends.
Jeff has gone out to just get the crap out of his legs - easy training day. Early dinner and early to bed. Looks like we plan to leave by 5:45 in the morning. He has his pre-race rituals and can't screw with them! Weather looks perfect for tomorrow. The water looks like it might be a low - but it is low for everyone. Hopefully a couple of the cows will be there.
Hoping for a good race day!
Jeff has gone out to just get the crap out of his legs - easy training day. Early dinner and early to bed. Looks like we plan to leave by 5:45 in the morning. He has his pre-race rituals and can't screw with them! Weather looks perfect for tomorrow. The water looks like it might be a low - but it is low for everyone. Hopefully a couple of the cows will be there.
Hoping for a good race day!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Labor Day
Yep - it definitely was a "labor" day. It started off with the door bell. I was sound asleep and it woke me up. First thought was "Oh shit - Jeff overslept". Nope he was already out of bed. Lazy me (and half asleep) yelled out the window and it was Viper (which I will call Vinnie Bear - courtesy of his best half!) Not long after that the green Big Tim taxi pulled and everyone loaded up and headed for Minister. Backing out Egg yelled he didn't know when they would have Goose home. Now that I was wide awake, I decided to get the errands done and then head out on my bike.
I couldn't decide which route I was doing. I had 2 really bad rides and 1 so-so earlier in the week. So I decided just to do the 16 mile. At the end of that route, I had found my legs and decided to go a little further. It got to the point either turn around and head home or it would be too late. So I decided just to do the loop again. As I turned on to Silver I clipped out of my pedals to stretch my very tired legs. Got to the stop sign and got a nice little honk from the Taxi - well crap - what to do? Of course -- clip shoes back in and try to go like hell. Told Craig "I would never ride that far again". He said take a shower and eat, then decide. We I did and I still said that. Today - well maybe I will go that far again :)
Jeff had a great ride, minus the flat. Hopefully Egg didn't get poison ivy. He was pleased with climbs (if ya want more details - Read Egg's blog). What really thrilled him was the pat on the back front Vince, all the coaching and encouragement he got from everyone. Got his belly filled with pasta and he was done for the night.
I think he is ready for Sunday - pray for no rain and a NO CHAIN DAY!
I couldn't decide which route I was doing. I had 2 really bad rides and 1 so-so earlier in the week. So I decided just to do the 16 mile. At the end of that route, I had found my legs and decided to go a little further. It got to the point either turn around and head home or it would be too late. So I decided just to do the loop again. As I turned on to Silver I clipped out of my pedals to stretch my very tired legs. Got to the stop sign and got a nice little honk from the Taxi - well crap - what to do? Of course -- clip shoes back in and try to go like hell. Told Craig "I would never ride that far again". He said take a shower and eat, then decide. We I did and I still said that. Today - well maybe I will go that far again :)
Jeff had a great ride, minus the flat. Hopefully Egg didn't get poison ivy. He was pleased with climbs (if ya want more details - Read Egg's blog). What really thrilled him was the pat on the back front Vince, all the coaching and encouragement he got from everyone. Got his belly filled with pasta and he was done for the night.
I think he is ready for Sunday - pray for no rain and a NO CHAIN DAY!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Goose Rambled
Goose said he planned on Rambling today, but given the ride on Sunday, I wasn't sure he would and if he did would he finish.
I pulled in about the same time he did (at least he was there!) Ron wanted to take the pictures off my camera for his computer and while doing that Egg was complaining (or explaining) that his pedal was loose. Vince looked at it - probably a couple of others did too. Egg went out to warm up a little more and pop - there went his pedal :(. With that I think some were ready to just go home. Goose offered to go home and get a set a pedals he doesn't use. He headed out and was gone a little longer than I thought (was he coming back? Or was his polishing the pedals so the bling looked good?)
After a slight delay, they headed out. Which I am surprised how many were riding after Sunday. This is the fifth roller (which everyone knows Jeff hates). You really can't see him but he is on the back (you can only see his arm). I was surprised to see him with the group at this point.
This is the rear shot to show it is really Goose on the tail.
He fell off on Gearhart and took the short cut and got back on with them at Widener
He was all alone on Walnut Grove at the end - but he was there.

When everyone got back to the cars, Egg asked if Goose had gone out to run. Nope, he is still on the road. He didn't quit - he finished the ride. I think his face shows how happy he was to survive tonight.

I know a few were missing tonight to aches/pains/strains. You guys missed a good Ramble. As Egg says - one more left.
I pulled in about the same time he did (at least he was there!) Ron wanted to take the pictures off my camera for his computer and while doing that Egg was complaining (or explaining) that his pedal was loose. Vince looked at it - probably a couple of others did too. Egg went out to warm up a little more and pop - there went his pedal :(. With that I think some were ready to just go home. Goose offered to go home and get a set a pedals he doesn't use. He headed out and was gone a little longer than I thought (was he coming back? Or was his polishing the pedals so the bling looked good?)
After a slight delay, they headed out. Which I am surprised how many were riding after Sunday. This is the fifth roller (which everyone knows Jeff hates). You really can't see him but he is on the back (you can only see his arm). I was surprised to see him with the group at this point.

When everyone got back to the cars, Egg asked if Goose had gone out to run. Nope, he is still on the road. He didn't quit - he finished the ride. I think his face shows how happy he was to survive tonight.
I know a few were missing tonight to aches/pains/strains. You guys missed a good Ramble. As Egg says - one more left.
Me? I rode again and was pleased with my time. I got caught half way up Neal Pearson by a bus coming the other way. A little one was getting off and had to cross the road in front of me - I wasn't thrill with finishing the climb from a dead stand still. Oh well, I did and had fun.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
After looking at the map (no wonder I felt like I was driving in circles) with the elevations - what came to mind was "Damn that looks hard!"
Goose actually recovered better than I thought he would. Usually after a long ride he complains about his back, shoulders, butt, legs (duh) - but he really didn't complain (just didn't talk). He decided to work out at the Y on Monday and said he had a really good workout with weights. Tuesday he met Jeff C. at the lake to trim the boat. He commented for it being his first time, he was very smooth. Goose was very pleased with the canoe and ran a couple of miles after with no pain.
Goose plans on Rambling Wednesday. Should be a fun one (hehe).
Me - I needed to do a fast ride today, so I opted for the shorter route. Didn't feel like riding, but needed to. Decided early on not to bitch about my tiny climbs, just get through them. I can say I cut 3 minutes off my time (10 total since I started that route in June). Must have had some really good bike motivation this weekend!
Goose actually recovered better than I thought he would. Usually after a long ride he complains about his back, shoulders, butt, legs (duh) - but he really didn't complain (just didn't talk). He decided to work out at the Y on Monday and said he had a really good workout with weights. Tuesday he met Jeff C. at the lake to trim the boat. He commented for it being his first time, he was very smooth. Goose was very pleased with the canoe and ran a couple of miles after with no pain.
Goose plans on Rambling Wednesday. Should be a fun one (hehe).
Me - I needed to do a fast ride today, so I opted for the shorter route. Didn't feel like riding, but needed to. Decided early on not to bitch about my tiny climbs, just get through them. I can say I cut 3 minutes off my time (10 total since I started that route in June). Must have had some really good bike motivation this weekend!
Monday, August 18, 2008
I had somebody ask me that a couple of years ago. Why would you follow them around, carry their "stuff", pull over when they waved at you. No way would that person do that.
Well -
How else can you get 12 men in spandex to stand close together and smile. Either they are being nice or delaying the pain.
It doesn't really matter why I do it, it matters that you allow be to continue doing it. To see first hand how you help each other (as Egg put it - TEAM WORK). Todd M. didn't have the miles on his legs, he shows up to ride, everyone was looking back to see where he was, some headed back to help him get back on. A couple of guys hadn't ridden that far in a while, or maybe not that distance ever - it didn't matter, regrouping and encouragement from the longer distant riders was awesome. Dobo showing up after doing a Century the day before in W. VA - priceless. It seems like everyone had their moment on the climbs, either mastering or defeated. It didn't matter - congrats were all around when stops were made.
When I was behind you on some of the climbs, I willed you my short stubby legs to help get you up the climb, cheered to myself when you reached the top. Priceless was at Ron's Mom's when the security alarm was going off - everyone just went about their business - eating, watering the lawn, bathing (lol). Police finally showed up, all he had to do was look around - men in spandex - hmmm probably not robbing the place.
I really appreciate Egg and Dobo at the end, the 2nd time at the Gorge, I think the Viagra finally wore off.
Why do I do it - miss all this fun --- not on your life.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Saturday was Fun (Sorta)
Goose didn't have to work and had planned on splitting wood sometime in the a.m. He wanted to run so he headed to the woods to run (and no he didn't fall this time!). He had a really good run and has finally admitted that his cycling has probably helped his running. Afterward he headed to West Milton. They (a guy he works with and Jeff) had downed a couple of trees earlier and stored them in another guys barn. Thought the heat from the barn would help age the wood making it easier to split. He got there early and they got the barn doors open (garage doors without springs). Guess it was sorta rigged and unfortunately the door decided to fall on Jeff's back. No springs, garage door, a guy would didn't have a lot of strength to lift it could amount to a big disaster. Fortunately, he was eventually able to lift it enough for Jeff to crawl out. No bruising, the swelling is better and he said it actually felt better this afternoon.
After that we had tickets to the Fraze for a concert. Oh Boy - we saw Girlicious open (OK they lip synced and danced like they had poles on the stage). Then the "real" group came out - actually they sang for 2+ hours and did a damn good job. AJ made it about 3/4 through and was ready to go to sleep. Oh well, we had a good time - late night for us (passed 9 am - now that is pasted out bedtime!)
Goose decided to get in the water instead of riding today - probably a good idea, his back is feeling better and hoping to ride the Monday ride. I decided to take a day off - legs were a tad sore and my foot was cramping.
Looking forward to this coming week.
After that we had tickets to the Fraze for a concert. Oh Boy - we saw Girlicious open (OK they lip synced and danced like they had poles on the stage). Then the "real" group came out - actually they sang for 2+ hours and did a damn good job. AJ made it about 3/4 through and was ready to go to sleep. Oh well, we had a good time - late night for us (passed 9 am - now that is pasted out bedtime!)
Goose decided to get in the water instead of riding today - probably a good idea, his back is feeling better and hoping to ride the Monday ride. I decided to take a day off - legs were a tad sore and my foot was cramping.
Looking forward to this coming week.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Total Random Thoughts
Why I Read Blogs:
Well I stated earlier in an email to someone that I read blogs when I was bored, not completely true. Sometimes it is to stall doing something I really need to be doing. Sometimes I am looking for extra motivation for something I want to do. Most of the times it is because I am amazed at the memory that people have. I truly am amazed that you can remember every inch of your ride, what gear you were in, who dropped off an inch, look at a blurred picture and tell exactly what road you were on. Some days I have to turn around at the top of our street - I can't remember if I unplugged the curling iron. The only thing I can tell you about my ride is that I arrived home still breathing.
Planning Ahead:
Last Sunday Craig chuckled at a comment I made about next year and looking forward to it. He said "Carla, It is only August". I am not sure when this happened, but it did. After being very ill after Jeff and I got married and eventually having both of my parents die of cancer, I quit planning/looking forward to things for me. I never had a problem planning races for the following year for Jeff - I knew no matter if I were here or not, Jeff would race. But last Sunday is the first time in a very long time that I can honestly say I am excited and looking forward to something that isn't just next week. I am not sure when my thinking changed, but it doesn't matter - it just feels good!
That is me now - I really don't want to mow the lawn :). But the sooner I get it done, the sooner I can get Jeff's Take And Bake Pizza from Papa Murphy's and then ride my bike.
Well I stated earlier in an email to someone that I read blogs when I was bored, not completely true. Sometimes it is to stall doing something I really need to be doing. Sometimes I am looking for extra motivation for something I want to do. Most of the times it is because I am amazed at the memory that people have. I truly am amazed that you can remember every inch of your ride, what gear you were in, who dropped off an inch, look at a blurred picture and tell exactly what road you were on. Some days I have to turn around at the top of our street - I can't remember if I unplugged the curling iron. The only thing I can tell you about my ride is that I arrived home still breathing.
Planning Ahead:
Last Sunday Craig chuckled at a comment I made about next year and looking forward to it. He said "Carla, It is only August". I am not sure when this happened, but it did. After being very ill after Jeff and I got married and eventually having both of my parents die of cancer, I quit planning/looking forward to things for me. I never had a problem planning races for the following year for Jeff - I knew no matter if I were here or not, Jeff would race. But last Sunday is the first time in a very long time that I can honestly say I am excited and looking forward to something that isn't just next week. I am not sure when my thinking changed, but it doesn't matter - it just feels good!
That is me now - I really don't want to mow the lawn :). But the sooner I get it done, the sooner I can get Jeff's Take And Bake Pizza from Papa Murphy's and then ride my bike.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Today I Earned The Right
OK, I haven't complained about the wind in a long time. BUT, today I earned to right to bitch. I got caught late this afternoon in the "front" that blew through. There were times when I felt like I was standing still on the bike. Luckily I got home before the down pour. I can honestly say - that sucked.
Goose decided to get in the water to give his legs some therapy. He is still pleased with his ride on Wed. He rode differently, and I think it paid off.
Looks like the Friday loop for him.
I finally figured out why some of the pictures were blurred. I got the book out in the lens, looks like I needed to put it to level 2 on stability - you guys rode too fast!
Goose decided to get in the water to give his legs some therapy. He is still pleased with his ride on Wed. He rode differently, and I think it paid off.
Looks like the Friday loop for him.
I finally figured out why some of the pictures were blurred. I got the book out in the lens, looks like I needed to put it to level 2 on stability - you guys rode too fast!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Enough Watts to Supply Electric to the City
Wow - good ramble tonight. The breakaway definitely wanted to make a statement tonight (and they did!) Obviously Egg's blog will give a pedal by pedal blow of the facts. I have to say I admire Big Tim for his huge smile tonight and Rhino for finishing (riding alone and not that far behind). Now the for DNFers :). You guys really hung tough through the Rollers. Goose did an excellent job on the 5th one - yeah. He worked on a few things tonight, and I think they really worked for him. It was a good group decision to finish like you did. Thanks to both of you for helping Goose through it.
I didn't get many photos tonight, with the 3 groups, it was hard. I wanted to make sure Goose didn't cut off after the rollers (and he didn't), so I missed many places. Mthd was out and I am sure got some great shots.
It was nice to talk to Crilli tonight before heading to NYC. I think we successfully solved many of the world problems (lol).
Me? I tried a modified Goose new route for Noose today. It was difficult, but I finished the 23 miles. When it got difficult, I just looked at the beautiful blue sky, that seemed to help.
Looks like a great bike day for everyone.
I didn't get many photos tonight, with the 3 groups, it was hard. I wanted to make sure Goose didn't cut off after the rollers (and he didn't), so I missed many places. Mthd was out and I am sure got some great shots.
It was nice to talk to Crilli tonight before heading to NYC. I think we successfully solved many of the world problems (lol).
Me? I tried a modified Goose new route for Noose today. It was difficult, but I finished the 23 miles. When it got difficult, I just looked at the beautiful blue sky, that seemed to help.
Looks like a great bike day for everyone.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Fat Cyclist Blog
OK - I usually don't pass on some one's blog - but I admit, this is funny. We all (guys and girls) have had problems in this area (OK girls don't have exactly what he is talking about) riding at one time or another. Usually his posts are about his wife and trying to survive cancer. This one isn't and it's kinda funny (or maybe I am just tired!)
Ramble tomorrow for Goose. Hope Big Tim is coming!
Ramble tomorrow for Goose. Hope Big Tim is coming!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Sunday Fun with Reminders
Plans had been made for Egg to pick Goose up this morning to head to Big Tim's House. We got up and went to Mass this morning, which provided the reminder that let it go and it will be provided. Hard thing for me, I worry about everything (especially money).
Got home for Egg to pick Goose up. I tried to wait until I thought all the smaller churches would be out, less traffic. Today I felt about as close to normal as I have in a couple weeks. Good ride. Egg told be to attack Neal Pearson, which I gave it all I had to offer.
Egg and Goose got home and shared "funnies" about today's ride. Apparently Goose decided to trail ride :). Egg will have a better description of today, but I know Goose had to look for his "jewels" after it was over. Thanks to Egg for picking Goose up and driving and Big Tim for having them over.
Looks like Ramble Day will be a big/high energy day.
Got home for Egg to pick Goose up. I tried to wait until I thought all the smaller churches would be out, less traffic. Today I felt about as close to normal as I have in a couple weeks. Good ride. Egg told be to attack Neal Pearson, which I gave it all I had to offer.
Egg and Goose got home and shared "funnies" about today's ride. Apparently Goose decided to trail ride :). Egg will have a better description of today, but I know Goose had to look for his "jewels" after it was over. Thanks to Egg for picking Goose up and driving and Big Tim for having them over.
Looks like Ramble Day will be a big/high energy day.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Good Day
After Goose's fun ride on Friday with a big group, he had to work today and miss the Animal Ride. The original plan was for Goose to meet Red Dog (Mark Crow) after work for some fun in the woods. Mark had to cancel so Goose ran alone in the woods and guess what - He didn't trip or fall on anything!!!!!
I finally got out today to ride and it felt so good. Wind was from the N and I really appreciate the S - SWS wind soooo much more. I survived and had a really good time.
Looks like Goose is heading to Big Tim's on Sunday. I plan on going back out and trying it again.
Life is good :)
I finally got out today to ride and it felt so good. Wind was from the N and I really appreciate the S - SWS wind soooo much more. I survived and had a really good time.
Looks like Goose is heading to Big Tim's on Sunday. I plan on going back out and trying it again.
Life is good :)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Since, against my will, I have not been able to ride since Friday - I have been really really bored. I was finally able to start one of the books I had ordered - Lance Armstrong's War. I certainly had plenty of time to read on Monday (you don't want my opinion on why), Tuesday I was in a total fog (Goose loved it), had to take it easy on Wed - another good day to just read. Today I finally went out to the falls with Rebecca and AJ. I knew it wouldn't be a fast walk, and after a quick call to the Dr this morning, decided to go anyway. It was fun just being outside - not the same as the bike - but it was outside doing something.
My plan is to try and ride easy on Friday morning and then hopefully things will be back to "normal" (or as much as they can be with me).
Goose obviously rode the Ramble last night - Rambles are always difficult and he was happy to see Big Tim come out. I think he was pleased with his ride, I know he got in some "guy" time after the ride.
Jeff loves the Animal Ride, but with vacations screwing up the Sat schedule, he has to work. I know he is looking forward (or maybe that is me -hehe) to Mthds Mayhem and hopefully he doesn't have to work Battle of the Cows.
He has two races left this year - Lake Loramie and Speedy Feet has added a Fall Belbrook Race (he loves that river - very technical). Partners are lined up and he is ready to finish out the year with two great races.
It seems strange to start thinking about 2009 goals, but tomorrow is Aug 1st. Now sure where the summer has gone, but it has been fun. I love watching the Rambles, Diesel's Adventure and Legbreaker. I have to admit there are times I think you guys are nuts! I have learned a lot from watching and listening to everyone talk about how they ride.
So I guess I have to agree with Egg ---- Every ride is a great ride. For me, it isn't about speed, it is all about me doing it for me.
My plan is to try and ride easy on Friday morning and then hopefully things will be back to "normal" (or as much as they can be with me).
Goose obviously rode the Ramble last night - Rambles are always difficult and he was happy to see Big Tim come out. I think he was pleased with his ride, I know he got in some "guy" time after the ride.
Jeff loves the Animal Ride, but with vacations screwing up the Sat schedule, he has to work. I know he is looking forward (or maybe that is me -hehe) to Mthds Mayhem and hopefully he doesn't have to work Battle of the Cows.
He has two races left this year - Lake Loramie and Speedy Feet has added a Fall Belbrook Race (he loves that river - very technical). Partners are lined up and he is ready to finish out the year with two great races.
It seems strange to start thinking about 2009 goals, but tomorrow is Aug 1st. Now sure where the summer has gone, but it has been fun. I love watching the Rambles, Diesel's Adventure and Legbreaker. I have to admit there are times I think you guys are nuts! I have learned a lot from watching and listening to everyone talk about how they ride.
So I guess I have to agree with Egg ---- Every ride is a great ride. For me, it isn't about speed, it is all about me doing it for me.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Not Much
Not much going on here the last few days. Goose rode on Sunday with the Cows, lifted weights on Monday and took the day off Tues for my "procedure". I don't remember anything (thank God) and Dr told Jeff everything looks good.
After he drove me home and got me to bed he ran the bike path and ran into Fred. Said he talked to him for a few minutes and headed home.
Looks like Thur for me to be back on the bike - weather permitting Goose will Ramble Wed.
After he drove me home and got me to bed he ran the bike path and ran into Fred. Said he talked to him for a few minutes and headed home.
Looks like Thur for me to be back on the bike - weather permitting Goose will Ramble Wed.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The Vacation That Keeps on Giving
Florida has just kept giving - apparently Florida isn't good for people with asthma. Since it rained just about everyday - and most of the day - the dampness has settled in my lungs. Trip to the Dr - new inhalers and antibiotic and I should be good in a few days. I asked him if I could ride on Sunday - he looked at me like I was nuts. My oxygen level is really low but said if I thought I could, go for it but easy.
Don't ya just love vacations that make you sick?
Don't ya just love vacations that make you sick?
Friday, July 25, 2008
Neal Pearson
Hmmm - Neal Pearson must run in the family :). So it must be all mental. I took Egg's advice and saved some for the top (exactly where is the top? - that road is almost a constant up). But I didn't die - the winds actually helped to cool me off.
Goose likes the new Friday Route - roads that he is familiar with. Just keep reminding him of his goals next year.
Saturday he is helping me add another couple of miles to my route. That mixed with my 5 mile walk should help me with my personal goals for 2009.
Thanks for riding with him tonight.
Goose likes the new Friday Route - roads that he is familiar with. Just keep reminding him of his goals next year.
Saturday he is helping me add another couple of miles to my route. That mixed with my 5 mile walk should help me with my personal goals for 2009.
Thanks for riding with him tonight.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Vacation Eating
Try as hard as we could - but vacation eating is hard. You really don't have control on how things are prepared. Saying that - I think all the lard went to my legs. Tues was just a survival day on the bike and I actually road well. Wed after talking to Jeff and discussing weather conditions I told him I was walking. Well I didn't take my own advice, decided to head back out on the bike. Wind was from the NW and it just seemed to be in my face. Did my climbs on Bollinger - the road I hate Fred Garland and then Neal Pearson. Time was good so I guess I can't complain.
Goose ran Tues and said things were OK - he wanted to get in the water Wed but the pool was closed. He ended up working on his wheel with his new tire. Gotta get ready for Friday nite ride and Sunday.
Hopefully things can be moved from Sat to Sun for Mthd's ride in August. Looking forward to that.
Goose ran Tues and said things were OK - he wanted to get in the water Wed but the pool was closed. He ended up working on his wheel with his new tire. Gotta get ready for Friday nite ride and Sunday.
Hopefully things can be moved from Sat to Sun for Mthd's ride in August. Looking forward to that.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Monday Smiles
After almost 8 days at Disney it was time to return to the real world. Goose decided to try out the new Monday route and returned home with lots of smiles. The smiles are for many reasons - he was able to ride and I think the weight of the world was lifted off his shoulders today.
Me? I headed out twice today and hit rain on Michaels both times. No I'm not a wimp but after all the rain and being soaked clear thru at Disney - I was in no mood to get wet. I plan on riding in the morning.
Good to be home and back into the routine.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The Animals
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Not much time to blog, but just wanted to say Goose took me to Italy for our 25th Anniversary. Had a wonderful meal, the we had to return "home". Actually we did have dinner in Italy at EPCOT and the meal was wonderful. Have pictures of many things - one to mention is a Rhino :)
Looking forward to coming home and we have BIKES TO RIDE.
Looking forward to coming home and we have BIKES TO RIDE.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Ramblin' Wednesday
Poor Goose, he got set up tonight - no backin' out on the group. I had planned on appearing on a few roads but Goose called early in the day - he had forgotten some things. Talked about coming home for them, but if I had plans to come out I could bring them. He wasn't coming home, to easy not to show up.
Nice ride tonight, Egg and Crilli rode strong as usual. Goose and Bryan hung in and finished strong. Egg took the victory with Crilli on his wheel, Jeff won the next round, said he just couldn't give up (hmmm remember that on the 5th roller - and you know I love ya!)
Egg is heading for Asheville and we are heading for Disney. It will be a week without bikes for us - but plenty of Goofy, Mickey and Minnie!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Sunday Fun
Goose had decided he wanted to test his legs running today. After watching the Tour he headed out to the Falls. He said he ran about 7 miles "easy" - not really pushing it - just wanted to see how it felt. He was happy with the outcome, even though he still has twinges in his right calf.
I headed out on the bike to get a few extra miles in this week. I passed a guy riding the opposite way on Dog Leg and we met again on Frederick at the stop sign. He told me I should have reversed my course and I could have had tail winds most of the way. I just smiled and thanked him for the advice but said "But that won't make me strong".
Goose and both agreed that today was a little more humid than we first thought.
We both had a good day training. Now off to mow before we have to get some goats.
I headed out on the bike to get a few extra miles in this week. I passed a guy riding the opposite way on Dog Leg and we met again on Frederick at the stop sign. He told me I should have reversed my course and I could have had tail winds most of the way. I just smiled and thanked him for the advice but said "But that won't make me strong".
Goose and both agreed that today was a little more humid than we first thought.
We both had a good day training. Now off to mow before we have to get some goats.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Saturday Fun
Plans were made ahead of time for Egg to ride with Goose and then paint some bling on White Lightening. Time changed because of the Tour - Egg showed up with promises of someone showing up. The people he named, we knew would not be here. Lo and behold - the world traveler pulled in. Everyone was ready - me wanting them to take off so I could head out. I was not going first to have them blow by me, so I waited them out.
All I know about their ride is they made Goose work. I love the fact they made him pull on my "animal" road (Fred Garland). The wind was with me going out, coming home - it sucked. I had probably one of the best rides I have ever had. Of course, I had to beat them back to the house, even though they probably road double what I did.
After everyone was back, Crilli shared his photos - what an awesome trip (via the pictures for us). I think Goose and I would love to take a trip like that (finance permitting) and Egg via the slow boat to China (hehe).
Crilli had family and friends to catch up with after his trip. Egg stayed to have extra bling applied to his Jeep. Of course it took 2xs the time Goose said and I cooked dinner for all.
It was a fun day, laughs shared, futures dreamed and full bellies in the end.
Thanks to Egg and Crilli for keeping Goose busy today!
OH and we are watching to replay of the Tour for the 10th time today.
All I know about their ride is they made Goose work. I love the fact they made him pull on my "animal" road (Fred Garland). The wind was with me going out, coming home - it sucked. I had probably one of the best rides I have ever had. Of course, I had to beat them back to the house, even though they probably road double what I did.
After everyone was back, Crilli shared his photos - what an awesome trip (via the pictures for us). I think Goose and I would love to take a trip like that (finance permitting) and Egg via the slow boat to China (hehe).
Crilli had family and friends to catch up with after his trip. Egg stayed to have extra bling applied to his Jeep. Of course it took 2xs the time Goose said and I cooked dinner for all.
It was a fun day, laughs shared, futures dreamed and full bellies in the end.
Thanks to Egg and Crilli for keeping Goose busy today!
OH and we are watching to replay of the Tour for the 10th time today.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Goose Stayed on the Road
Ready to Ramble
The dreaded 5th Roller
Jeff had planned on riding the Ramble (well he had his bling with him - good clue Carla). The weather was nice, a little wind - but I talked to him later in the afternoon and that excitement (?) in his voice was missing. He asked me a couple of times if I was coming out to watch. At that point, I wasn't really sure, I had an appointment earlier in the day and I hadn't gotten to do what I wanted/needed to do.
Jeff called after 5 and was running late, said he was going to call Craig and tell him he might be a little late -- but I was not leaving any opportunity for him not to ride - I had just finished walking and told him I was heading in to Arby's and I would let Craig know. When I pulled in I saw Craig's Jeep tucked away in a corner - hmmm he rode to work. There was somebody circling Arby's - wasn't sure who he was, but he looked like he could ride. As he got a little closer I saw One Call logo on his Jersey. Craig rolled in, Shane, Vince, Jeff and Bryan were there. Pleasant comments shared and they rolled out.Through the weeks, Jeff has shared with me the points that he really struggles with (bet he doesn't do that any more!) The herd rode past me - no Goose. Craig yelled 'Don't Let Him Quit". Jeff passed and turned on a road (not on my list roads to follow) - so I followed him. He wasn't quitting, just taking one of the short cuts Craig has pointed out to catch back up.
Jeff jumped back on the group on Rudy. As they passed me, I only saw cows, no Bryan. I hung back until he passed to make sure everything was OK. At one point it looked like he was going to get back on with the group. After the cows crossed 571 I saw Bryan turn back to Tipp.
Craig hung back to talk Jeff back onto the group (but I think Vince and Shane slowed down a bit). After the turn on Studebaker, I knew the next road was 201 - the dreaded rollers. Once again Jeff shared that the 5th roller kills him and I knew there was a road he could turn on and go home. Not today. I found a nice place to park at the top of the 5th one - Craig, Vince and Shane all passed me, I waited on Jeff. He struggled up it and took a short cut to get back on with the group. That is OK he didn't quit and go home (dinner wouldn't have been ready anyway).
Craig had a mechanical problem on Walnut Grove and was pissed at Jeff for sitting up - he yelled at me "I got him back on and he SITS UP". Jeff would never leave Craig behind - but then again I am out there and all you have to do is tell me and I will go back to get someone.
I think Jeff had a good ride, no it wasn't the entire route, but he didn't quit. I am really proud of him for that. He had a good race on Sunday and I think his recovery time is a little more than it use to be.
Looking forward to the long weekend!!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
More Than A Bike and Jersey
Life is more than a bike and jersey - but those two things can lead to friendship that can't be replaced. I think this year has proven that. This past January Goose and I started indoor training and had Egg and Crilli up to motivate/make fun of us. I do believe the race is won in January. Next came the trip to Helen GA when family men didn't have to indulge a 3 year old, but they did (and yes that does include Crilli and Guru). After coming home, encouragement/orders were given to Goose to ride with the Cows. He listened sometimes/other times not. At times everyone (including me) made fun of Goose - but everyone always encouraged him. People let him suck wheel when they know he is hanging for dear life, and they don't complain. Ron took time to explain my camera to me (which I am still learning) ---- get your ass back out on the bike MTHD. This makes true friendships. No, everyone doesn't see each other everyday, everyone is going opposite directions - but I truly believe a true friendship has been made.
So -- to all the Cows that have encouraged (and made of fun of) Goose - THANKS.
So -- to all the Cows that have encouraged (and made of fun of) Goose - THANKS.
Goose Lost His Chain
Goose heading out of the bike transition. Please talk to Bruce E. - he saw Goose riding AND HE WASN'T IN HIS AEROBARS! BTW - Congrats to Team Troy (with Bruce as the cyclist -- and he also ran the course, even though he didn't have to) winning this Troy Vs Piqua Challenge
Da' Goose near the end. The boy needs some meat on those legs!
Won't know the results until later tonight, but it doesn't matter, Jeff had a good race day and he had fun. Next race? Lake Loramie - I think he will probably take the pro boat that day. Until then, lots of roads to be ridden and trails to be run.
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