Well, after much Internet discussion on inside ---- outside - Goose decided to ride outside. It would have been very difficult for me to ride - have had a head/chest cold all week and not feeling up to par.
After Mass this morning, Goose was complaining (OK grumbling) that it wasn't that warm out. I told him to buck it up and ride. He said at times he got chilly, but all in all it wasn't that bad. Guess he let out a few cries along the way. I think he is glad he did it - I know I am!!!
Guess they has been some talk about his shifters and I have to agree that it is a good idea. As Egg said - if you were in the right gear!
Guess fun was had by all that rode outside.
NICE PIC NOOSE. HAHAHA. No wonder Goose was chilly? EAT SOMETHING!! He also didn't have Booties on but he rode great!!
Jeff has nothing to lose and everything to gain having those shifters on his brake hoods. Crilli will even do the switch over. Brian's a great mechanic as well!!
I think we have decided that he will have it done. I love mine - ya know Jeff -- he is slow to change (that is what I love about him) After all he didn resist the compact crank and look now he is thrilled to have them!
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