Wow - what a beautiful day for a triathlon. Last year it was cold and raining for the Spring Race. You never know who will show up - things come up - people don't show - some register at the last minute. Twin brothers (Wes and Will) registered near the end. The are not quite half the age of Jeff and his partner - the nicest young men you would ever want to meet and excellent athletes. You know it will be an interesting day when they show up. Jeff C (race director) was helping out someone who needed a partner (Brian B his normal partner had signed up for another race). I know this info is boring to some - but if you have followed Goose racing, you know that the Jeff C/Brian B team is very difficult to beat. Looks like we can add the Wes/Will team to that category this year. They are in excellent shape and are good racers.

Day started out really well in the canoe. Goose and Rick had one of the better starts, many struggled to get going and some ran into a large log off to the left. It always amazes me the people that just show up and have never been in a canoe or many years ago went down the river. To me, this is one of the more dangerous part of the tri, water can be deceiving and dangerous. The inabilities/lack of knowledge can actually put the other athletes in danger. Luckily, Rick and Jeff are well versed in the canoe. Rick can read a river like no other partner Jeff has had and they both can react quickly.

I really couldn't read Goose's face at the finish of the run. He didn't appear to be struggling, didn't look like his back was bothering him. He had an excellent transition from run to bike and came out the transition area with power in his legs.

This is near the finish and I still couldn't ready his face. Rick and Goose finished together, Rick's face didn't have a smile, but then again it was hot and extremely windy and the course is hard. After Jeff came to the top to talk to me. Rick was not happy with the cycling part, his calves had cramped and struggle on a portion. Jeff said he also had some cramping but they were able to work through it.
Bottom line? Second today. The twins won hands down. Nothing Goose/Rick could have done to beat them. Wes/Will certainly had a good race. But, nobody really had anything for Goose/Rick either. 3rd place was not close. Guess when you are almost 57, it isn't too back getting beat by a couple of young 30ish men.
Good first race of the season. Goose needs to get more road mileage on his legs. I'm happy with the time and look for improvement over the summer.
Awesome!! Way to Go Team G & N!!
Thanks! It really sucks when you are exhausted after a race and you didn't physically do it! Goose had a great first of the year race - with help from you and the rest of the guys.
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