OK - I am way behind in blogs - I know :(. So here is my view on day 4:
This was by far the hardest day to sag for. Today Rhino, TKO and Wooley joined the group (Egg, Goose, Mthd, Big Tim and Maji). Drove and parked at Lake Tahoma on Route 80. Egg promised today was going to be an easy drive for me - actually only a couple of turns - CAN'T GET LOST! Of course we had to get the before picture.

They headed out on Rt 80 with a climb that is about 3.7 miles to the Pkwy with plenty of switchbacks. As I No way would I go down the mountain at their speed. The view was spectacular. Several overlooks to pull off on and just stare of the beauty.

Goose seemed to be hanging tough and riding well today. He was finally able to conquer his Rt 80 demons. It was starting to get a little warm out and everyone was still riding well. We had planned water stops to make sure everyone had what they needed. Well, that almost worked.

After everyone getting water and food they headed out the the 11 mile climb to the turn off for Mitchell State Park. The plan was for me to be at the bottom to refuel if they needed it. The first 4 came by fairly quick and nobody needed anything. I "thought" I had enough time to get the tote of water and food to the top and make it back down in time for the others. I passed Jeff on my way back down and he was in his zone and not answering me (I know what is new). I also psrsed Big Tim and he didn't need anything. As I got down a little further, I saw Rhino who needed water. I felt bad because he was suppose to get it at the bottom not mid way. Got him his water and he went on his way. Then came Maji bringing up the rear. He had found a man who was sagging for his running son and he shared water with him. I am really glad Maji asked him. Finally had everybody at the top. Looks like Wooley was a little warm!

Jeff was sharing his story of passing the entrance to Mitchell up. He said he looked at the mountain and remembered it be steeper. I know - how can you miss the BIG sign at the bottom - I don't know but he did. He went about a mile out of the way but turned around and got back on track.

This was before they headed back down - which was going to be fun. Since they had done nothing but climbed - the fun descent was next up.

I let everyone head out first so I didn't hold them up going down. I ended up behind a car with an elderly driver who only drove about 6-7 miles an hour. When I finally made it back to where everyone parked, first thing Egg asked if I got lost. Nope, just couldn't pass the car and they were going the same way I was.
The guys all shook hands, exchanged stories, and loaded up for the trip back. We hit the local ice cream stand at the end of 80 which was very extremely good. What a day, I was exhausted and I only drove . We headed back to the hotel, showered, Egg, Mthd and Maji loaded up the van for their trip home. We went to dinner before they left - and a BIG thanks to Mr and Mrs Big Tim for our dinner. After hugs and kisses (well from me) they headed home to Ohio. Tim and Doreen were staying another day and the same with us.
Sunday brought a much earned day of relaxation. Goose and I headed into town and walked around for a while. We ended up going back to the hotel and getting in the pool. Met a nice couple on motorcycles from Cincinnati. She had talked about seeing a group of guys riding their bikes and I put on my Mad Cow T-shirt and she told me that was on their jerseys. We got a good laugh out of that -- she couldn't tell me enough that you guys are nuts. All I could do was smile and nod. I decided not to waste my breathe by trying to tell her how cool it really is.
We headed home on Monday and back to the old grind on Tuesday.
Awesome trip. Your Asheville trip is now blogged, so get back up to speed on all the other fun events. hahaha Wait, you earned a " Get out of blog free " card with all your riding. Keep it up Noose!!
LOL - I am so behind - Goose called yesterday about no blog on Zanesfield. I am working on it now!
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