Saturday, July 21, 2012

Getting Back Into The Groove

I have always found the trouble with vacation is getting back into the groove at home.

This week has been a very successful week of training for both Jeff and I. Jeff is dividing his time equally between his three vices - canoe, run and bike. He is feeling more comfortable in the boat. "If you can't get out of the water, you are done". Instead of focusing any one particular event, he is focusing on all 3 and his time management has been awesome.

The twisted ankle seems back to normal, he has lost nothing on the bike and more comfortable in the water. Looks like a recipe for a great race.

I have been able to dodge the rain drops (well caught a couple of times) and gotten in some really great rides.

Although events and goals were changed for us, we have made new ones that will take us to a few new places and hopefully visiting old friends.

I finally have all my photos ready from New York City- can only post one of us with Brian, we tried to take a couple ourselves, but we don't have enough experience doing that and they didn't turn out.

Hope to have results and photos of Jeff's race from this weekend ready tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

carla - you never answered on fb why jeff was dismembered from the "covenant cow group" by carroll. should be no big deal, lots of us have had this happen. guess what? we still ride and we still ride well.