Friday, August 8, 2014

Can Ya Hear Me Now

Anybody that knows Jeff knows he had a hearing problem (along with memory).  We researched and he visited a couple of companies.  The last one was WONDERFUL!  He has had the hearing aids since Monday and what a difference in not only his humor but me not yelling to tell him something.  It will take some time to get use to them but I have to say he is giving it everything he has.  It is amazing the things that he hears now that he hasn't heard in year. 
I can say "I love you" and not yell - what a bonus :-)


Anonymous said...

Good for Jeff. It is always hard to make that jump. Miss him racing this year but understand he has changed his priorities. But did see him out riding and it wasn't that "cow" jersey shit.

Noose and Goose said...

Jerseys wear out, had to buy new ones. He searches long and hard to find something unique. He is still training, just not racing this year. Lots of "honey-dos" to accomplish.