Monday, April 16, 2007

Day 2 - "EPIC"

Jeff just called and sounded like a little boy who just opened the best Christmas present ever. They had to drive a a small family owned outdoor store to replace the bladder in Ezio's backpack (or maybe called a camelpack - don't know). The guy there was a rider and gave them a new route to ride. Guess he mapblasted it and highlighted the route for them. They were able to stay mainly protected from the 50 mile an hour sustained winds in get in 55 miles of serious climbing. I think Shawn and Ezio were a little surprised at how well Jeff was able to hold on. Like he said -- it is a mental thing with him - he can run up hill but has had a mental block on cycling up hill. Hopefully this will help him over that hump.

Looks like they will do Mt Michell tomorrow and then head home. The weather looks a little better and hopefully they will have better weather to drive home in.

I have to say I have missed him - not the same in the house without him :(. Will be glad to have him home again. I know it has only been 4 days - but the dog isn't the best to snuggle up to at night!

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