Friday, February 23, 2007

The Bitter Sweetness of Change

So many people say change is good for the soul. I have told Jeff that the last few weeks since he left Fitworks and joined the Y with me. It gives me the chance to exercise (60 laps for 4 miles can suck!) and still time for us together.

As the time change is coming up - that is also bitter sweet ---- It gives more daylight at the end of the day - good for the herd to ride. But for us (yes Jeff I am including you) we give up an hour of sleep that first night and it takes forever to catch up. For all of you young ones - just wait until you are over 50 --- it does make a difference!

I think everyone goes through changes is their lives - whether it is financial, business or personal, there is always that bitter sweet side to it. You have to give up something old and accept something new. But just as we count on the sun coming up everyday and settting every night, we can count on time taking care of the sad side of change.
I think everybody is ready for the snow to go away and warmer weather to be here. I know everyone loves Coach Troy, but I think it is time to put him away until a rainy day!

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