Friday, February 23, 2007

It Is Almost Time

Well the time is quickly approaching that I will lose the Goose to the open roads. With approximately 70 days until we leave for the 3 State/3 Mountain journey, it is time for devoted training. I have been through this for almost 25 years, and the first couple of weeks are never easy. I get use to Jeff being home and helping with "stuff" and it does take a couple of weeks to get in the swing of things.

This year he has very high goals for himself and it will take hard training both on the bike and running. I know I can count on Craig and Shawn getting him where he needs to be on the bike. They have already been working on that, both mentally and physically.

As far as running, I know Shawn will help him by ragging and teasing him. The others that have run with him in the past are either hurt or quit training all together.

Ultimately Jeff has to get the job done both physically and mentally himself. I know he can do it. Whether he qualifies for the USA Team really doesn't matter to me. Whether he places 1st or 50th, I know he gives everything he has that day of the race. Most men in his age group don't work or they take 6 months off to do nothing but train. So for him to race at the level he does and work 55 hour weeks is an accomplishment!

Now the big question is, since I know I am losing him to training-will I not bitch this year? Oh come on, everybody knows me ---- of course I will bitch!!! If I don't then Jeff thinks something is wrong (lol).

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