Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Problem is?

Is it age - training - or both? Left knee is a little swollen and sore - guess it is back to the water for a couple of days. I think Jeff really pushed it on Saturday on his trainer (he thinks it is the one time - almost 2 weeks ago, so I don't think so - of him running at the Y's track. If it happened right after, I would agree, but it didn't)

Oh well - back to running laps in the pool.

1 comment:

Craig " Egg " Carroll said...


Very rarely does knee pain happen on the bike unless Jeff's seat position was too high or low, rode spinervals and grinded too big of a gear, or it was the running.

Jeff's smart so he will be fine! I ride within my limits on the Coach Troy stuff. Sometimes it's better to ride an easier gear rather than blow a knee!