Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Enough Watts to Supply Electric to the City

Wow - good ramble tonight. The breakaway definitely wanted to make a statement tonight (and they did!) Obviously Egg's blog will give a pedal by pedal blow of the facts. I have to say I admire Big Tim for his huge smile tonight and Rhino for finishing (riding alone and not that far behind). Now the for DNFers :). You guys really hung tough through the Rollers. Goose did an excellent job on the 5th one - yeah. He worked on a few things tonight, and I think they really worked for him. It was a good group decision to finish like you did. Thanks to both of you for helping Goose through it.

I didn't get many photos tonight, with the 3 groups, it was hard. I wanted to make sure Goose didn't cut off after the rollers (and he didn't), so I missed many places. Mthd was out and I am sure got some great shots.

It was nice to talk to Crilli tonight before heading to NYC. I think we successfully solved many of the world problems (lol).

Me? I tried a modified Goose new route for Noose today. It was difficult, but I finished the 23 miles. When it got difficult, I just looked at the beautiful blue sky, that seemed to help.

Looks like a great bike day for everyone.


Dobovedo said...

Thanks for bein' out there Noose. Sorry the DNFers hosed ya and cut the course. I won't do that again the rest of the year. No... really. I mean it!

Noose and Goose said...

Sure ya do (mean it) - This isn't the last ramble of the year you plan on doing - surely not. Seriously, glad you were there to help Goose.

Craig " Egg " Carroll said...

Goose rode well!! Thanks Noose!!