Saturday, February 13, 2010

First Apollo Memorial RIde

Anyone that has been keeping up with Egg's blog knew that he had made a decision to put Apollo down. This has been coming on for probably a month or two. With his trip to FL scheduled, his mom still recovering from her surgery and his dad and step-mom facing a possible trip, Egg made the right decision - Friday.

When he called Friday night on his way to our house, I knew by his voice that he had done it. I could tell how heart broken he was, which also brought double tears for me. We have always joked that Craig was the son we never had (or we tell our daughter - the brother she always wanted). Craig is family to us, and when he hurts, Jeff and I also hurt. Having just lost Yo Yo, I knew the emotional pain he was in.

He showed and and brought his new TDF collection. We warmed up to Lance catching the leaders in 2009 (of course Egg can tell you exactly where and when - and even told us to watch a guy along side the road who fell down - has he seen this a couple of times?). It was time to suffer, work out the emotions and give a tribute to Apollo - so it was No Slackers Allowed. I must admit I have seen Egg have a good trainer ride, but this was light years above that. It was a very quiet ride, typically he will try to push Goose's buttons - he did get one really good one out (which did make Goose smile). I know Goose and I rode as hard as we could - Goose coming off a hard run on Thur, he had already said his knees were a little sore - but he gave it all he had.

Post ride, not many laughs tonight. I had been cooking sauce all day (which Egg did smell when he came in). We settled down to eat and just share pictures and stories. We enjoyed Egg's company and hope we were able to take his mind off the day (if only for a few minutes).

We are gonna miss Egg next week while he is in FL. Hope his weather is good - I hope his trip to the ocean to release Apollo brings him peace. Safe trip and see ya when you get home.

1 comment:

Craig " Egg " Carroll said...

Thanks to you and Goose for a great ride and support. It means a lot. Even though it was a sad day, we still Got R Done!

