Friday, January 11, 2008

Thursday Ride

Well with the good news, Jeff had planned to trail run with Joe W after work. As the day progressed, the weather turned down hill and he called and wanted to know what I was going to do. With all plans changed, we decided to ride to Aero Base Builder !!, which is about 1 1/2 hours. I had ridden it before, and it focused more on steady tempo for long periods of time. Wasn't sure Jeff would really like this but, as the DVD progressed and Coach Troy (don't ya just love him!) explained why he thought this was important. Surprisingly, Jeff like the DVD. Time went by much quicker with someone else to ride it with. It went extremely well with both of us riding together - good sign that this won't be a long winter on the bike.

Jeff gives me the encouragement that I need to keep going. And, I have to actually admit I really enjoy Spinervals. Yes, I know Egg and Dobo wait until the Indoor 100, I will learn to hate Coach Troy again.

Well, I am off to walk and Jeff is off to the YMCA to run in the water. Training is fun!

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