Thursday, September 18, 2008

Goose's Physical

Every couple of years Goose has to have a physical (mandated by DOT) since he has kept his CDL. It was scheduled for this morning, but knowing his eye sight is better as the day goes on and his hearing is never good, rescheduled for the afternoon. Eye sight was 20/20 this afternoon (kinda surprised on that one). But I was SHOCKED - he failed the actual physical. This is a guy who can run and ride, I think really well. He called me with the results and I had to look them up (hadn't heard of either one) EPO.J and LOE - what? Well after much research I discovered they represented Excessive PoPo Juice and Lack of Exercise! Hmmm what to do? Drink more water and get your ass back on the bike. Just kidding (about what to do). Jeff has taken a well deserved week off - Saturday he has to work and then start getting rid of the large limbs lost during Sunday's winds.

Sunday? That is still up in the air.

With overtime at my son-in-law's work, I haven't ridden this week. I have been able to walk all week (10 miles total just today). Tomorrow I plan on getting out early in the day and hopefully walk after riding. Sunday? Not sure. I know I said I would never ride my route 2xs ever again, but I might have to do that. Andrew (Son-in-law) had his hours changed at work, putting me home 2 hours later everyday, which puts me out into work traffic. Not sure what I will do, but will work it out.

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