Friday, April 25, 2008

What A Day

All I can say is -- WHAT A DAY TO CLIMB! Today separated the boys from the men and I Perkied for all Men. Awesome ride today and I have a new respect for Brasstown and Hog Pen. I got to do a little "trail magic" for Applachian Trail Hikers. After the ride we took a fast and winding journey to catch the end of Tour De Georgia stage. Out to dinner and bed time.


Dobovedo said...

The lack of depth of blogging from the lot of you, combined with the lack of answering phones, is maddening for those of us (me) back here in Ohio!



Noose and Goose said...

Sorry - I don't really have "details" - only Perky details. I think anyone that finishes the rides is a total success. Eggie will have to give ou the blow by blow. But I can say, I had fun.

Noose and Goose said...

Forgot - lots of pics when I get a DVD to Egg.