Sunday, May 18, 2008

Great Sunday

After an almost no chain race day on Saturday, Goose traveled to Brookville with Egg, Crilli and Big Tim to ride. I am really happy with him riding the distance today after the race on Saturday. I think it helped with his recovery. The specifics will be left to Egg on the ride - but Goose did share a few moments with me ---- 1. Goose did a sprint up and incline with Crilli - when they reached the top, Crilli wanted to know what Goose was doing. His answer was he just wanted to see what his legs could do. First piece of advise today - Crilli said you might want to save some of that - this is a long ride today (thanks for reminding him). About 6 miles from the end, Goose has been washed a few times in hot water and started to fade. Egg just said remember LOM - which Gooose quickly remember - after a few minutes he said he started to feel better (well, yeah you are almost done --lol) - thanks for the motivation from Egg. Goose enjoyed his time today with Egg - as always you provide the pre and post motivation needed.

Goose was thrilled with the ride today. Egg and Crilli took care of the "older guys" today. We are looking forward to the ride on Memorial Day.

Me? I actually read Egg's blog and watched the clip of Lance riding. Headed out to ride - said a few choice words, kept my head down and finished. Was changing clothes when my brother called - heard a part of his message (which he just doesn't get it) so I headed out for a long walk. Better to be tired when I talk to him so there will be no lectures about fitness.

Time to cook dinner - grilled is fired and Goose is starving!

1 comment:

Craig " Egg " Carroll said...

Great job Noose and Goose. It wasa hard day but we got it done!!! Next up Diesel's Adventure