Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Rain Rain GO AWAY

Goose said he was sick of this weather - even though we really haven't had much bad weather in the last few weeks. He called me on the way to Tipp to see what the weather was. When he called it wasn't bad. In the next 15 minutes the heavens opened up. He decided not to Ramble tonight and get in the water. He had an excellent workout. I feel bad that he didn't get to ride. He was looking forward to the challenge. He needed a little Eggie time tonight :)

Me? I watched the radar this afternoon. It looked like I had a good window of no rain. The wind gusts were much more than I wanted. I finally got tired of watching radar and said to hell with it - I am out of here. I knew I wouldn't ride the full ride when I left, I had my turn around point picked. I hit Peters Rd and was amazed at headwinds. I just put my head down and kept going. So far, no rain. At the turn around point it was a drizzle then somebody decided to turn the rain on full force. When I got home I felt extremely pleased - the wind did not win tonight (well I probably didn't either but I didn't quit). I told Jeff I had a blast, it was me against the wind!

Weather doesn't look for the next few days, we will see what we can go.


Craig " Egg " Carroll said...

We missed the GOOSE but that's the way it goes. NEXT TIME!!

Great Job Noose. WIND IS YOUR FRIEND!! Crilli has extra headwind pills available! hehe


Noose and Goose said...

I looked on EBAY for "Wind Friend Tablets" and they were out of stock -- now I know who bought them all - Crilli

Dobovedo said...

Late comment... if Goose wanted to get in the water, he shoulda come out to the Ramble... we had tons of it!