Thursday, January 21, 2010

Recovery Day

After last night's trainer ride, recover was on tap for Goose and I. Goose had planned a water workout to get the junk out of his legs. I wanted to spin, a very easy one. I had to go to Sam's Club first and I always stay on I-75 during rush hour - headed down 25A and got about a mile from the house with a detour. Couldn't tell what was going on - looked like maybe a wreck. On the way home - started home on 25A - almost got to the old Ginghamsburg Church and total stand still - pulled a U turn and headed down back roads again.

I was 30 minutes out of sync with the time I wanted to be in - do I ride - to say to hell with it. I serious changed my clothes and sat down on the couch - kicked my self in the butt and changed into my cycling clothes. One hour in the saddle and feel great - best thing I could have done.

Just watched the news and found out somebody had put a bomb in the house that had been foreclosed on in the area that was block off. Just found out somebody I worked with was showing the home and found the "bomb" ticking. Luckily got everyone out and called police ----- People are Nutz!

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