Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sufferin' Succotash

I can always tell by talking to Goose on the phone when his day has struggled at work, and today was one of them. I read a tweet by Egg that his mom was taken to the ER. Prelim info isn't good, but it can be wrong. I know we all hope it is wrong. Definitely something wrong, but let's hope it is the lesser end of what it could be.

I think all three of us needed to get rid of "stuff" and sufferin' on the bike is the way to do it. With the Spinerval chosen (SufferOrama), you really had to give up your personal problems to survive the ride. Once again, stand up ---- sit down was the drill. I am finding that standing is less stressful than a month ago. Goose rode really well, at 100+% the entire ride. Egg put down some impressive numbers (again!) while cheering/coaching us on. The time ticked away very quickly (apparently not fast enough for Goose) and we were done. I know everybody felt better and sat down to eat and chat.

Goose went to bed to watch UD play - I doubt if he saw 10 minutes of the game. He ran hard Tues night and rode hard tonight - it is that transition time again ---- only this time it is in January not April, I know he will realize his hard work has paid off come racing season.

1 comment:

Craig " Egg " Carroll said...

Keep it up G & N!!

Keep the blogs coming too. ;)