Monday, January 4, 2010

Sunday Fun

Sundays always bring a new adventure. Ya' just never know what we will ride to or do. This Sunday was no different. Got an email from Egg saying that the Guru was coming up to ride - cool - Rick is always fun, especially when he brings his rollers!

Doorbell rang about 11:40 - knew it couldn't be Rick, he is NEVER early (sorry Rick!). Egg always calls so we can open the garage door - opened the door and it was TKO. He was able to make it again (twice in one week) to ride.

Egg showed up next and explained that Guru was bringing his rollers AND his computrainer to do a Time Trial on. We warmed up to a nice 45-60 minutes on the trainers to Egg's Bike "porn" DVD with Lance. My legs felt good, no real extra aches or pains from the NYD HC100. Goose had worked his legs pretty hard on Saturday in the water. Between Jan 1 ride and 2nd water workout his quads were feeling "it".

Rick got his trainer hooked up to the TV and the ride order was established - TKO, Goose, Egg, Guru and maybe me if I decided to go through with it.

TKO showed is suffering through his sweat dripping and his funny facial expressions. Excellent ride for him, next Goose. After almost 3 miles he stopped, his quads were sore and he has a long race season again this year and didn't want to push it or take any chances. Egg was next - wow - the TT started and he never let up. Impressive watts, mph and time. Great poker face on him also. Rick wanted to go last, he needed to get his legs warmed up, so it was now or never for me.
I wasn't totally convinced that I could do this - but then I thought if I am always afraid of failure, I will never have the opportunity of success. So, I got on my bike (nervous). Egg got on his bike back on his trainer and jumped on to cool his legs down. He told me which gear to start in, I closed my eyes and started. The one nice thing is he has ridden with Goose and I enough to know how we ride - he also knows when he spins faster, that makes me spin faster. With his coaching, Guru's counting down the distance at the end, I made it. And, I have to admit, it was fun. Looking forward to when Rick can bring it back for another TT.

Afterwards, I warmed up leftovers - Rick had his after ride snack - we all sat and enjoyed stories and laughs.

Thanks to Goose, Egg, Guru and TKO for another successful/fun day in the saddle,

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